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I awoke the next morning and saw that Demi and Dallas,Natlaie,Mom and all of Demi and Dallas friends were downstairs.

"Hey" I said to them confused about what was happening.

"Elena" some of them squealed because it had been the first time that we'd seen each other since before I went into treatment.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's party time" Marissa shouted.

"Party?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Dallas's engagement party" Demi smiled.

"Oh" I laughed "here?"

"Yep" Dallas smiled

"Who's coming?" I asked.

"Um,my usual gang, Roberts friends, Wilmer Joe, like I said the usual gang" Dallas chuckled.

"Oh ok" I smiled, I really wasn't in the mood for new people.

As the day went on the girls prepared. I mainly ate and laid on the couch. I normally would have been minding the babies but they were at grandma and grandpa Valderrama's so I was free.

"Hey stinky" Joe hugged me as I stood in the kitchen.

"Hi" I turned around happy to see him.

"There's a lot of chaos today huh?" he asked.

"Ah yeah" I laughed.

He chuckled "how are you feeling?"

"I'm ok, same old"

"That's good" he smiled

"And how are you?" I giggled

"Same old" he copied me.

I rolled my eyes laughing "come on help me with these" I said to him. I'd been given the job of untangling the fairy lights.

"Aaaah I knew you were only being nice to me so I'd help"

"Excuse me" I punched his shoulder "I'm a nice person"

"Elena Lovato, did you just hit me?" he raised his eyebrow.

"No" I giggled stepping back because I knew he was gonna kill me.

"You just hit me" he confirmed and began to chase me.

"Joe no" I squealed unable to run "stop" I laughed as he grabbed my waist "I'm pregnant" I shouted while laughing but he continued to hug my waist and tickle my sides.

"Joe" I giggled "I'm after peeing myself"

"What?" he laughed and quickly stood away.

"What's going on?"Demi laughed raising her eyebrow.

"Did you really just pee yourself?" Joe said to me.

"No, I lied" I laughed back.

"You pissed?" Demi said confused standing there with balloons in one hand and her other hand on her hip.

"No, I was joking so he'd let me go" I hit him once again.

Joe lightly slapped my cheek and I stood there frozen "if I wasn't pregnant I would kill you" I said hitting the back of his head.

"But you are pregnant so you can't" he teased and began to lightly slap my head in different places,while laughing.

I quickly grabbed his hand and bit his finger.

"You animal" he laughed

"Ok guys bye" Demi walked away shaking her head.

"What was that Elena? you like to be tickled?" Joe raised his eyebrow and while one of his hands was placed on my back so I couldn't move his other began to attack my side.

"Joooooe" I laughed collapsing into his chest "I can't breath" I panted "stoooop" I laughed hysterically.

"You want me to stop?" he said not tickling me anymore.

"Yeah" I nodded still giggling.

"Then say sorry" he smirked.

"No" I shook my head as his other hand found way to my back.

"I'm not gonna say it" I smirked tugging at his ears but dropping my hands to rest on his neck.

"I promise you I'll tickle you again" he said our faces only inches apart.

"Fine, fine" I smiled looking into his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry" I whispered and somehow I felt drawn to his lips. my lips lightly brushed off his and then I heard...

"I didn't see that" Demi quickly said and left the kitchen again.

"I'm sorry" I pulled away running my hand trough my hair.

"For what?" he asked pulling at my hand so I would face him "this?" he raised his eyebrow and pulled me in for another short and sweet kiss.

"Yeah" I whispered against his lips and we both leant in again to erupt into a passionate kiss.

"Sorry guys, I actually really need to get something" Demi interrupted us once again "from here" she pushed us aside and opened a drawer.

"You guys are cute" she said excited and skipped off out of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry?" Joe cutely said shrugging his shoulders and I laughed pulling him in for another kiss.


The party had kicked off and when they said party, they meant party.

Everyone had been dancing and singing karaoke and all this shit and then it came to the speeches from Dallas and Robert and I couldn't take it. I had to leave.

I found my way to the play room and sat buried beneath all the babies toys.

"I hate her so much" I cried to myself. That was supposed to be me and Camila! she ruined everything!

I laid down and cried for another while until I saw a head pop in.

"Sweetie are you ok?" It was Dallas's friend Katy.

I quickly sat up "ah yeah" I ironically laughed "hormones that's all" I replied with a smile.

"You sure everything is ok?" she softly said making her way over.

"Yeah seriously, I'm ok"I giggled.

Once I convinced her, she left and once she left I began to cry again.

"Elena?" I heard once again and I soon wiped my tears.

"Hey Laynes what's up?" Joe quickly came up to me. we hadn't talked since the kiss because we were so busy.

"I- uh- it's nothing "I mumbled

"It must be hard for you" he softly said sitting down "I understand"

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked stroking my hair.

I shook my head no "but I could do with a hug" I giggled.

"Come here" he opened his arms for me and picked me up onto his lap.

"I cry too much" I whispered, my head resting against his chest.

"You get hurt too much" he replied rubbing my arm up and down.

"You're a good guy Joseph" I whispered. he is really the only person that's stayed true to me. Through everything, he's been there, as a boyfriend or a bestfriend he stuck around.

" I would never hurt you Elena" he whispered against my head and I felt his soft lips press against my hair.

"I know" I quietly said back "I know"

HEY GUYS I REALISE THIS IS SHORTER THAN USUAL SORRY ❤️ 10+comments and 20+votes for the next chapter. Should Elena stay single or get with Joe?

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