Its So Crazy

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"W-w, I, Uh" i was stuck for words.did i hear her right? "Did you just say mar-"

"Yeah" she slightly smiled taking my hands "Camila, We've been through so much together. There is no doubt in that. We've fought and split up so many times but no matter what we always find our way back to each other. Baby I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you! So I'm asking if you will marry me?"

"I- uh" I couldn't find the words to speak. I wasn't even sure in my feelings at that very moment my mind was confused and it was my confused mind that drew the next words out of my mouth.

"Is this for 'Us', you or me?" I raised my eyebrow.  I can't believe I just said that but I did and I'm slightly happy about it.

"W-what?" Elena looked confused "What do you mean?"

"Is it for us?. Do you actually love me and want to marry me because you love me? Is it for you? Because you think us getting married might stop you from going to Joe or is it for me? Because you feel sorry for me?"

Elena sat there shocked and slightly pissed "Camilla I can't believe you'd ask that" she was hurt.

"Elena I need to know" i sighed "What if we get married and you want Joe?" I shrugged

"Oh my fucki- Camila" she gritted through her teeth "how many times do I have to tell you?I love you, I fucking love you! There's no me and there's no you and there's defiantely no Joe because all that's there is 'Us'! That's all that's ever been there, why can't you understand that and just see that I love you. I love only you Camila" she shouted.

Without any hesitation I swiftly moved in, my lips hitting hers. I love this girl so fucking much, i would die for her and I'm never letting her go.

Our lips caressed one anothers passionately as I pulled Elena onto my lap without breaking the kiss.

Elena pushed me back and laid us down.

My hands found my way to her sides and I could feel how her bump had grown. Her hands got tangled in my hair. I could have stayed in this moment forever but something had to be said so I pulled away lightly pecking her lips a couple of times before I spoke. "I love you so much, of course I'll marry you, I'm sorry" I sat us up and wrapped my arms around her and ahe nuzzled her head into my neck pecking my neck

"I love you too baby" she kissed it again.


Things began to get be better then. Elena and I were happy and she was talking to Joe, which didn't bother me. Two months had passed and Elena had maraculously improved. She was back to herself and it's all because the baby. She's 6 months pregnant now and has a cute not so little bump. The doctor says that with the rate she's going at Elena could be out of treatment in 2 and a half months or less. She should be out before the baby get's here. We haven't told anyone about our engagment, we want to wait until she's out. Everything is so amazing. I couldn't be happier and neither could she.

"Camila" Demi called me as we made our way through a baby store.

"Which one?" She held up two dresses one was pink and one was purple. Demi is ready to pop, she's 8 months pregnant now and the baby is coming soon.the triplets are 18 months now and are starting to talk properly. Everything is literally perfect.

"The pink" i smiled "It's cute"

"Mila" Faith tugged on my leg.

"Yeah what's up beautiful?" I smiled picking her up.

"I tuhsty" Faith pouted her long lashes batting up at me.

"Ok, we'll get you a drink in a minute baby, mommy's nearly finished ok"

Faith cuddled into my neck and Demi went to the checkout.

After the baby store we went to starbucks.

"So are you excited for today?" I asked Demi as we sat down drinking our coffee. Faith sat on Demi's lap with her juice.

"Whatever the sex is Elena's gonna be happy,so I'm happy" Demi replied with a smile.

"It's so crazy to think that she's having a baby in what? 3 months" Demi said "I still can't believe it"

"I know" I slightly laughed "but she's gonna do a great job"

"Yeah she is" Demi agreed "has she any ideas for the nursery?"

"I'm not sure to be honest cause in the new apartment their's two spare rooms and she hasn't decided on which one" i laughed. We moved apartment last month because their wasnt gonna be room at the old place and it's best for Elena to be near her family and Joe. "And we dont want to do it up because we're gonna be moving again an-"

"What?" Demi raised her eyebrow "why would you move again? Where?"

Shit! Elena and I plan on getting a house before we get married, si we can have a stable place to live and raise a family but I conpletely forgot that Demi doesn't know that.

"No reason" i quickly said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Camila Cabello?" Demi laughed "what arw you keeping from me.

"Nothing" i laughed too but i couldnt keepp the smile off of my face because I was so excited.

"Camila?" Demi raised her eyebrow.

"I can't tell you" i said and took another sip of coffee.

"So there is something and it has to do with you and Elena moving again" she began to think and after a couple of seconds of trying to figure out what it was she cracked "oh my god, tell me" she whined.

She's gonna find out and it's only Demi "ahh"i said "Elena and I are engaged" i took one big gulp after i said it.

"What?" Demi smiled big one hand flying to her mouth while the other held onto Faith "oh my god Camila" Demi said excited "are you serious?"

"Yeah" i laughed "we're enganged and we plan on buying a house befor the wedding" i added.

"Oh my gosh" she said still smiling "congrats since when?" She asked and I knew this is when she'd be pissed.

"Ah about 2 months ago" i cringed waiting for her to kill me.

"2 months and I'm only finding out now?" She looked at me in the eyes.

"Sorry?" I giggled.

"Come here you bitch" she laughed and stood up with Faith giving me a hug "Welcome to the Family" she squeezed me tight.

"Thanks" i laughed "but, you cannot tell anyone i mean it"

"Ok, ok" she happily said and clapped her hands.

"Faith" demi looked to her daughther "say yay Mila" she clapped Faiths hands.

"Yaaay Mila" Faith began to giggle.

"You ready to go home princessa?" She softly said stroking Faiths hair. Faith was leaned back into Demi's chest, she's tired.

"Daddy" she replied "lets go daddy" she clapped her hands.

"Ok lets go home to daddy" Demi smiled and kissed her curls before standing up and placing her into her pink stroller.


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