This is it.

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I had gotten my laptop back and I went home after that. I eventually deleted the video because I knew Camila was online on twitter and everyone had been tweeting it to her.

"My laptop was stolen and someone uploaded those videos. It wasn't me and well yeah, if you're worried about me, I'm fine and those videos are old" I tweeted.

Joe and I had been sitting in my room in silence since I had gotten back. I guess he saw the video.

"Do you still love her?" he randomly blurted out.

My heart began to race at the question. I turned to him and let out a sigh. Here we go.

"I love you" I said to him "but I love her too"

"And can you honestly tell me that nothing happened the night of the Christmas party when you stayed at hers?" he said serious.

"Joe" I looked at him.


"Nothing happened that night but-" I looked down.

"Oh great, there's a but" he stood up off the bed.

"Joe listen to me"

"The day Camila came back and called to the house she kissed me ok"

"No it's not fucking ok" he replied pissed "And you're sure she kissed you?" he raised his eyebrow.

"She kissed me but-" Joe rolled his eyes at the 'but'

"Just say it" he said angry.

"Fine, I tried to kiss her the morning after the Christmas party and then I went back to her house and kissed her! I kissed her and I told her I loved her and I couldn't help myself because I do love her"

"I can't believe you" he grabbed his jacket and walked out of my room and towards the stairs.

"Joseph come back" I called after him.

"You cheated on me Elena. Yeah I knew that you still loved her. I'm not stupid but you cheated on me"

"I love you though" I shouted back at him "I'm confused Joe"

"Elena once you tell someone you love them, you're committed to them and only them! what? did you just use me to try and get over her? because you felt lonely. You have sex with me and then you want to leave? I love you Elena! She fucking left you! I've been here for you from the start and what do I fucking get out of all this? nothing!!"

"Hey what's going on?" Demi and Wilmer arrived out of their room.

"Of course I'm not fucking using you! I love you too but I I-"

"But you love her" he said annoyed "maybe if you told me that, none of this would have happened or maybe we could have talked about it but you cheated on me? call me when you have your priorities straight" he shouted and ran down the stairs, opening the door and shutting it tight.

"What the fuck just happend" Demi stood there shocked.

"Uugh" I screamed and stormed of to my room slamming my door.


"Elena" Demi called walking into my room.

"Hey what are you doi-"

"It's a cigarette, calm down! it's not like you haven't seen one before" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey don't get sassy with me" she walked out onto the balcony where I was standing.

"Sorry" I sighed.

"You ok?" she asked

"Yeah" I half smiled and paused "no" I sighed.

A New Beginning (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now