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"Hermosa" I heard the husky voice of my fiancé wake me.

"Mmm" I mumbled my eyes still closed until I felt the tiny hand in mine and then I realised where I was.

I opened my eyes to the bright room where my hand was in the little hole of the incubator holding on to my daughters hand.

"Hey baby" I sat up in the chair.

"You fell asleep" he stroked my hair.

"Sorry" I yawned "I had to see her" I looked into the incubator where Faith slept, I caressed her hand and smiled.
"Where's Caleb and Ruben?" I turned my attention back to Wilmer.

"They're at home with Elena, Marissa and Natalie" he replied "they called over to see you and the baby's"

"Oh" I scratched my head "we better get going"

I opened up the incubator and lightly kissed Faiths head "I'll see you later Sweetheart, I'll bring aunty Nat and Rissa too" I smiled stroking her head.

Wilmer made his way over "Hola Princessa" he smiled at Faith "Daddy loves you so much" he kissed her head "we'll see you later" he whispered before closing the incubator.

I couldn't help but smile when I heard him say that! when I heard him say 'Daddy'. It still hasn't hit me that I'm a Mom now to 3 beautiful baby's and Wilmer is their Daddy.

"Te amo Hermosa" Wilmer pulled me into a side hug as we walked out of the ward.

"Te amo baby" I leaned up and lightly kissed his lips.


Wilmer and I walked through the front hand in hand to hear laughter coming from the living room.

We walked in to see Natalie and Marissa sitting on the floor. Natalie held Caleb while Marissa held Ruben.

Wilmer and I stood in the door way both the girls oblivious to us being there.

"Come at me bro?" Marissa said pretending to be Ruben as she moved his arms around.

"Imma beat your ass motha fuck-"

"Ok who left you guys in charge of the babys" I laughed and both of them jumped.

"Oh hey Demz" Marissa said in a high pitched voice.

"We were just teaching the baby's...Yoga" Natalie laughed.

"More like wrestling" I laughed, leaning down to hug Natalie

"Hi gorgeous" I kissed Caleb's cheek.

"Why thank you" Natalie sarcastically said flipping her hair.

"I was talking to the baby" I laughed.

"Hey" I hugged Marissa and gave Ruben a kiss.

Natalie stood up handing Caleb to me.

"Nena I'm gonna go to the store and get a few things, you want anything?" Wilmer asked.

"Um yeah I need something really important and I'm trusting you to get it" I seriously said to him.

"What?" he looked confused.

I smirked "a boyfriend for Natalie" I burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha, very funny" Natalie sarcastically laughed.

Wilmer laughed and turned to Natalie and Marissa "do you know where Elena is?"

"The kitchen" they both said.

"Elena" Wilmer shouted, walking out of the living room.

"saca tu culo aquí" (get your ass out here)

"¿qué?" (What?) She shouted back "what have I done now?" she sighed walking into the foyer.

"Nothing" Wilmer replied "come to the store with me.

"Oh" she laughed "ok"

Wilmer turned around and Elena jumped on his back "we'll be back soon" Wilmer walked into me kissing my lips and then Caleb's head.

"Te amo" I whispered into the kiss.

"Te amo Nena" he smiled before leaving.

"So much Spanish" Marissa laughed "Am I in Mexico?" she joked and we all laughed.

"What is it with you Texas girls not knowing Spanish?" Wilmer laughed.

"Excuse me, I know more Spanish that I do English, I'm just not allowed to speak it" Elena said

"Yeah because your parents were wise enough to raise you on it" Wilmer said back to her as he walked to the door with her still on his back. We'll see you later" Wilmer laughed. The front door shut and Marissa and Natalie began to make fun of me.

"Te amo" Natalie laughed touching Marissa's cheek.

"Te amo Nena" Marissa replied in a husky voice looking into Natalie's eyes

"Grow up" I laughed as I smelled Caleb's butt, he needed to be changed.

"We're just kidding" Marissa laughed "Mommy likes Mexicano" she cooed down to Ruben in a baby voice,lightly tickling him.

"You're weird" I laughed taking the changing back from beside the couch.



After the store I stayed in my room while Demi and Wilmer took the baby's and Marissa and Natalie to go see Faith.

Camila was meant to have landed in NewYork 3 hours ago and I can't get her on the phone, I'm so worried. She said she'd call me straight away.

After calling her phone a million times I finally called Dinah.

"Hello" a happy Dinah answered.

"Hey D it's Elena, are you with Camila?" I asked.

"No sorry, she went to explore New York with a few of the guys" she replied with a giggle.

"Oh" I answered, so she can go around NewYork and have fun with the guys but she can't at least send me a text to let me know she got their safe "do you know if she has her phone with her?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure she does. Is everything ok?" she asked

And she's ignoring my calls? "Yeah" I sighed "it's fine, will you tell her to call me when she has the chance"

"Sure, no problem"

"Ok, thank you, bye" I said

"Bye" she replied and I hung up.

I let out a heavy sigh and laid back on my bed just as I closed my eyes I heard the front door open.

"Hellllo?" I heard.

I walked to the top of the landing "Hey Dal" I smiled walking down the stairs.

"Where is everyone?" Dallas asked.

"They went to see Faith" I replied as I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh! anyways it's you I'm looking for" she smiled giving me a hug "I got two ticket for a game in the post today and seeing as everyone is busy, I thought maybe you'd like to come?" She smiled.

"Really?" I laughed.

"Yes! really" she giggled "it'll be fun, we can bond" she laughed.

"Ok" I laughed too "I'll get my jacket" I smiled running up the stairs.

I arrived back down to Dallas waiting for me.

"Let's go" I smiled as I slipped on my leather jacket over my white crop top and denim shorts.

"Yay" she clapped her hands. I'm happy Dallas asked me to come it's not very often we hang out but when we do we get along great. When I was in Rehab she was always visiting me and we got really close but then afterwards we kind of just drifted apart.

HEY GUYS I THINK IM GONNA START WRITING THE CHAPTERS THIS LENGHT BECAUSE THEN ILL GET MORE CHAPTERS OUT OF MY IDEAS :) HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER! 10+comments and 20+ votes for the next chapter :) by the way if you've any suggestions/ ideas for the story let me know in the comments I'll see what I can do with them :) ❤️

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