Our Own

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Hey guys so the last chapter was fucked up so you all couldn't see it. This is called 'Our Own' instead of 'Better' because I wrote it differently. if anyone has read the last chapter, ignore it because that doesn't matter anymore!


A couple of days after I came home from treatment Demi gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who she named Isabella Hope Valderrama Lovato.

She decide to keep it as Bella because she said the second she saw her she knew it was meant to be.

Demi had me staying in her house because Camila was gone away on a business trip and she didn't trust me on my own.

With the fire burning brightly in the living room, Demi,Wilmer the babies and I stayed warm as we watched tv.

I laid on the couch on the far side of the room with Faith cuddled into me,sleeping peacefully. Wilmer was on an arm chair with both the boys as Demi took the other couch with Isabella, who like her sister and brothers were fast asleep.

I didn't like what they were watching so I scrolled through my phone while rubbing my belly to ease my own bouncing baby.

I opened my messenger and began to compose a new text. it was the text to let Joe know that we are in fact bringing a little girl into the world. I'd found out about the baby about two weeks ago but I'd completely forgotten to mention it.

"Hey Joe, so I'd thought I best inform you that our little angel is gonna be a baby girl xD I would have called but Faith is asleep next to me" I sent the message.

"Guys" I quietly said to Demi and Wilmer while placing the phone down on the leather couch.

"Mmmm?" Demi looked over to me "I have news" I smiled causing Wilmer to now look.

"Yeah?" Demi said

"I'm having a girl" I rubbed my stomach.

"What?" Demi said a little louder wearing a big smile.

"Elena that's amazing" Wilmer happily replied.

"Congrats baby girl" Demi continued to smile.

"Thank you" I giggled

"Another girl" Demi squeeled "soon enough this family will be run by girls" she chuckled

"No way am I letting that happen, we'll have to have a boy next time" Wilmer looked to Demi.

"Next time?" she laughed raising her eyebrow "Is four not enough?

"Nope" he chuckled and concentrated on the tv.

I laughed standing up "I'll bring her in with me to tonight" I referred to Faith lifting her up so we could go to bed.

"Thank you" Demi replied in relief. Faith is sleeping with them a lot lately, they think she's jealous of the new baby.

I got into my room in the house and carried Faith to the bed.

"Shhh" I cooed as she began to whine and stir.

"Mommy" she winged.

"Shh baby girl, Laynas here" I quickly turned off the light and climbed in long side her.

"Now chicken, your bottle" I handed her,her bottle and her blanky boo (her favourite blanket) kissing her head softly as she cuddled into me.

"Shh" I cooed again rubbing her head until she fell asleep.

It wasn't until I checked my phone 30 minutes later that I saw Joe had replied "oh my god, that's so amazing, I cannot wait to have our little girl and spoil her" Joe replied "she's gonna be beautiful like her mom"

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