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"Goodnight your majesty." You whispered, closing your eyes and falling asleep.


You didn't know what time you woke up, but it was to men shouting outside your door. It sounded like they were in a panicked state, worried at that.

You opened your eyes, coming face to face with a peacefully sleeping Jungkook. You tried to pry his arm off of your side, but it was no use, this man had an iron grip.

Letting out a small sigh, you gave up and paid more attention to the shouting voices outside.

"The King's gone missing! King Park has gone missing! Everyone wake up, the King's missing!" A guard shouted loudly, running past and banging on the doors, including yours. The words finally sunk in, causing you to panic and shake Jungkook.

"Your majesty! There's an emergency!" You shouted, shaking him harder. His face scrunched up in annoyance, but you didn't care.

"What do you want!" He shouted loudly, grabbing both of your wrists and staring at you with anger.

"King Park is missing." You whispered, shrinking under his gaze.

"He's probably just walking around town! I'm sure he's not missing!" Jungkook shouted out of anger. He's was pissed, he didn't get much sleep because of his nightmares and now this?

Then his door suddenly opened, showing a worried Hoseok.

"Jimin's missing." Hoseok stated, sounding out of breath.

"Are you sure? What if he just went to a different dimension to just walk around and stuff?" Jungkook asked.

"No, we've just been woken up by Namjoon, he alerted the guards and everyone else in the castle. He says he thinks that a grim attacked. Jungkook, there's black magic all around the room, this could only be a grim or a demon; Namjoon said it's a grim." Hoseok said worriedly.

Jungkook finally got up, not caring to get dressed as he quickly darted out of the room. Hoseok left as well, you following the both of them.

Once you arrived at his room, there was more guards, maids, and the rest of the King's all scrabbling around and searching for anything.

You looked inside the room to find markings (the black magic), claw marks, and Jimin's silk top.

"He left his silk that he sleeps with every night, he definitely wouldn't just toss it to the side like this, he loves this thing. I mean, guys, he literally hugs it every night." Jin said worriedly, analyzing the clothing piece.

"Does anyone know where Jimin was before he went missing?" Taehyung asked seriously.

"He was with me. He had a nightmare and he was worried and scared so he went into my room to wake me up and see if I could sleep in bed with him. I obviously listened to him because it's Jimin and we all know how bad his nightmares are, so I laid down and let him cuddle me and I fell asleep. Next thing I know, I'm awake in my own room on the floor and I went in here and find this." Namjoon informed, looking upset.

"It's not your fault Joon so don't even think it. Just because you were with him doesn't mean you could've prevented it, the same thing could've happened to you." Yoongi said, putting his hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

"I know, but I just feel like it's my fault. We know his nightmares tell us the future about something bad that's going to happen soon and I didn't even ask what he had a nightmare about. Honestly, I think I could've prevented this if I just asked and took precautions." Namjoon states, sounding glum and angry.

"Joon, you didn't know, it's as simple as that. Even I didn't know this was going to happen! And I know everything!" Yoongi stated sounding angry at himself as well.

"Will everyone just calm down? We can't continuously panic. We have to take action and stop blubbering about what happened. Taehyung, take all of the maids and guards to their rooms and make sure to lock everything, Namjoon, go with him and put magic on he rooms so no one can get in or out unless one of us breaks the spell. Yoongi, you know exactly what you have to do, make sure to stay alone in a room with magic on it just in case. Hoseok, stay by me at all costs. You're the only one besides Yoongi who has the sensing power so stay close by me and try to figure out who is in the castle or who was in the castle. Jungkook, you know what to do as well, but be careful because every time you go there, you end up getting hurt and we don't need that right now." Jin said, ordering everyone to do their certain things.

Everyone complied, easily listening to Jin and following through with the plan. Before they knew you were there, you quickly snuck out of the room, running to your own.

Of course you weren't going to venture around and try to find Jimin yourself, you're not stupid. Whoever is or was in the castle is obviously really dangerous because they were able to take Jimin and you're not about that life.

You quickly locked your door and ran over to your bed, holding your knees close to your chest after you turned the lamp on.

You didn't know what was going on and if this was normal life at the castle, but the way everyone was panicking, you suspected that it wasn't normal at all. What scared you he most as the fact that Jimin is a fairy, a powerful one at that, so since he is a fairy he possesses light magic, but grim reapers possess dark magic, which can be more dangerous depending on the powers of the person.

You heard the hushed voices of Taehyung and Namjoon outside of your door, telling other maids and guards to go into certain rooms.

You tiptoed towards your door, listening to their conversation.

"Look Tae, you need to go hide as well. You are very strong and powerful, but a grim is also strong and powerful. You can read minds, tell when people are lying, and you can summon up water. None of those things will work on a grim. You need to go get your silver dagger, hide in your room and I'll put protection spells on it." Namjoon informed, trying to persuade Taehyung.

"I'm not a child hyung, I can take care of myself. Plus, I have you anyways if anything goes to shit. I already have my silver dagger on me and if things do get out of hand I'm not afraid to use it. You don't have to worry, I'll be fine." Taehyung argued, basically telling Namjoon that he wasn't going anywhere.

"I just don't want you hurt, I already lost Jimin and I don't need to lose another one of my brothers and your younger than me at that so it makes it worse because I have to look out for you." Namjoon said.

"Hyung, we'll be fine if we just watch each other's backs and stay safe together. If I was to be in any danger at all, Jin would've told me to stay with him, think about it that way."

"Okay then, let's get going and check on all of the doors." Namjoon said, finally giving up on the matter.

You walked away for the door after hearing their footsteps get quieter.

Why did Namjoon worry about Taehyung so much? Did he know something or was it just him being the older brother?

You went with the latter because from what you knew, Namjoon didn't have future vision so he couldn't have seen something that freaked him out and scared him.

You just pulled your knees back up to your chest, waiting for this to be over with.

A/n: quick filler chapter, I'm going to be doing all of the teams' POV's next. Thank you for reading and please vote, bye lovelies <3

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