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You nodded, an idea popping into your head as he walked out of the room.

I never gave him his "present" for when he got back.

You quickly walked over to his closet, knowing that you had a certain outfit that you had hidden in there so he wouldn't see it.

Without hesitation you stripped yourself of your clothes, the skimpy maid outfit replacing your comfortable shirt and shorts.

Though he was going to come back with your food, that could easily always wait, you wanted him more at the moment.

You sat down on his side of the bed, crossing your left leg over your right, patting down the almost nonexistent skirt so it would look a little neater. You usually didn't like to dress up in super sexy outfits only because you were afraid it wouldn't look good on you, but one time Jungkook has talked about how he always wanted you to dress up one time, which you didn't say anything because he ended up kissing you before you could disagree or agree.

(20 minutes later)

You were now growing impatient. You knew that he probably was eating down there but he told you he'd bring your food up, so he was supposed to come back a little bit ago, but he hasn't and you were getting tired of sitting and waiting.

Well I can't just waltz out of here in this.

You sat there for a moment, contemplating if you should just switch back to your normal clothes and forget about it, but the door was pushed open and slammed in a swift movement, the room shaking a little from the impact.

You stared wide eyed at a fuming Jungkook, his eyes glowing red and a big bruise forming on his face, just below his left eye.

"Jin is so fucking irritating! I ask one thing from him and what happens? I end up getting called soft and get told that I'm becoming less merciless the longer I'm with you. Ha, he's so fucking hilarious, thinking that I didn't just rip someone's head off for stepping on my shoe." Jungkook said, shaking his head with a smirk.

"Why does Jin think I'm making you soft?" You asked, nervously pulling on the skirt. This was a bad time to be dressed like this.

"Because you're a fucking human. Humans are weaker and blah bablah blah, bunch of other words I didn't listen to. He basically told me that I should let Taehyung turn you, or do a spell to make you a species that isn't in any correlation with human." Jungkook said, rubbing his temples with his eyes closed.

"Oh... well, why isn't your face healing, and what happened anyways?" You asked softly, trying to get him to calm down.

"It doesn't fucking matter y/n. It's gonna heal eventually, why do you always have to ask so many damn questions? I swear to God it's always "where are you going", "what are we doing", "what happened" and on and on. I love you, but my God I can only take so much." He states exasperatedly.

You stared, your face turning red from embarrassment, but you were trying not to let his words get to you.

But they did.

"Well I'm sorry that you never tell me what's going on unless I ask, it's either you stay quiet and never say anything or you ask what I'm doing. I can't help that I just want to know what's going on Jungkook!" You said, your voice raising a little. You felt offended. Does he not realize that you're supposed to ask questions? How else would you know what he'd be doing that day or how his day went in general.

Jungkook stared at you, the glow in his red eyes becoming more prominent, the red starting to have more darker tints to it.

"I will not have you raise your voice at me like that. Ever. You better realize where you stand in this little girl. I have been here for over a millennium, I will not have someone who has no clue as to what I've been through to raise their voice at me because I don't tell them everything." Jungkook said this calmly, his eyes red, filled with anger, but his bruised features remained calm.

"You want to know something? Sometimes, the reason why I'm so fucking quiet is because I'm resisting the urge to rip your head off of your damn shoulders. I'm resisting the urge to rip your heart out of your chest and watch the life leave your eyes because that is what I am. I am a demon, I enjoy killing people and it doesn't help that my anger is so volatile that I could just snap at any second. So watch your fucking mouth because you have no clue on what it's like to be in my shoes." Jungkook said, his breath shallow but quiet.

You stared, your tongue caught in your throat.

"Y-You've thought about killing me?" You asked quietly, trying to keep you face calm as possible.

"No, not you, but the thought of killing something so easily harmed is enjoyable. I wouldn't ever kill you, Jesus." Jungkook states, his red eyes staring you down.

"Why are you in that?"

"I-... well I never gave you the "present" we talked about for when you got home and I thought when you'd come back up here with the food I'd-" You were cut off by his finger lightly touching your lips, a small "shhh" followed.

"Just kiss me."

A/n: Worst author of updating awarded goes to meeeeee💀 I'm sorry abt that almost two week wait for such a sort chapter but since it's been a little I'm struggling with writers block but I'm definitely going to work my way back into my actual update schedule, thank you for reading and sorry for the long wait, bye lovelies <3

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