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"Nothing sleep can't help." You said lowly, falling into your bed and drifting off to sleep.


"Good morning y/n." Bella softly spoke, nudging you.

"I know the drill, I'll get up in a hot second." You mumbled. Bella just nodded, shuffling over to your door and closing it behind her.

You just sighed, thoughts swarming around in your head.

How can I even love him? Why would I even love him? He's been such a dick to me, I shouldn't love him, I shouldn't even like him. I probably have some weird syndrome where I like guys who I shouldn't.

You slowly got up after the whole predicament you had in your head, going straight towards your closet and grabbing a long sleeved, black laced dress.

"God, please don't make me have to see Jungkook today." You said quietly, giggling at your stupidity from yesterday.

Then you had a mental breakdown.

"What am I going to do!? How do I love him!? How am I even going to confront him if I see him!?" You asked yourself, running your hand through your hair and sighing loudly.

"What am I going to do?" You questioned quietly.

"Who knows."

You jumped, a small scream escaping your lips.

"Dave! What the hell?" You shouted, blushing immediately. You realized that you still were in the process of getting your dress on, your body not even being covered yet.

You quickly tried to hurriedly get the dress on, but to your dismay, the dress wouldn't fit around your ass. You tried to pull the dress up more slowly, deciding that Dave seeing you half naked was something to worry about afterwards.

"Would you mind not staring at me while I struggle?" You questioned loudly, glaring at his wandering eyes.

"Why would I miss such a good show though? And is your ass bigger or did the dress just shrink?"

"Dave, I've had this dress since sophomore year, of course my ass got bigger." You said, finally getting the dress completely on your body and zipped up.

"It was just a question, you don't always have to be so snappy with me. I could break your neck like a twig, it'd be good for you to remember that." Dave stated, staring at you with a smart ass look.

"Look, I can't help it, I'm rude."

Dave just shrugged at your statement, following you rout of your room. You both walked in silence, heading straight towards the Blue room.

"Dave, I have a serious question and I want a serious answer." You said, slowly down so the both of you could have more time before you get to your destination.

"Go ahead and ask."

"So Yoongi and Jungkook got into it yesterday, I'm pretty sure Yoongi was going to kill him, but anyways, why are they all living together if the hate each other so much? I mean, I understand that they're all brothers, but they could rule different parts of the kingdom." You asked quietly.

"The Kings' may fight like dogs, but in the end they'd die for each other. That's the best way I can put it." Dave said, looking down at you.

"Wow, sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me." You said, thinking about the fight.

There's no way Yoongi would die for Jungkook, or any of them. I just can't see it.

"I definitely don't think Yoongi would risk his life for any of them if I'm being honest." You whispered, not wanting anyone to hear you and then possibly snitch on you for talking badly about your higher ups.

"You see, that's where you're wrong. He died to save all of them. I wasn't alive at the time, but if you search for the books way back when, just like I did, you'll find the Kings' dairies. In the certain time frame, they all state that Yoongi saved their lives." Dave informed you.

"Then how is he alive right now?"

"He was in a coma. The rest of the brothers didn't want him to die so they had Jin and Namjoon use some powerful spell to bring him back. I don't really know what the consequences were for using that spell, but it was pretty dangerous and it took a lot of energy, but hey, Yoongi's here isn't he?" Dave told you.

"What date was it?"

"September 4th, 1203." Dave quickly said, almost like it was seared in his brain to remember that date.

"Hey, today is Tuesday, September 4th, how weird. Well I guess that Jungkook's past is going to have to wait. I have some new history to learn about." You giggled, finally arriving at the Blue room.

Y/n L/n:  1.  Help Seokjin & Jungkook with preparations for the Fall ball 2. ———   3. ——— 4. ———.

"You've got to be kidding me." You sighed loudly, groaning in annoyance.

"What's wrong? Have to clean up after the horses?" A random maid asked, raising her eyebrow at you.

"No, I have to help two of the kings prepare for the Fall ball."

"Why would you be remotely unsatisfied with that task? I would love to spend a whole day with just one king, let alone two." She said, looking upset that she didn't get your task.

You simply shrugged, quickly walking away before you said anything that would be rude. Is she on crack? Though all of the kings had their moments, they still are all dicks.

You quickly walked towards the ballroom, looking back down at the map to make sure you knew where you were going. You arrived exactly at 6:00 AM, relief washing over you because you weren't a minuet late.

You opened the two huge doors, your eyes immediately catching the magnificent room.

The ceiling was far away from the floor, it had these paintings along the middle, the walls were carved with certain patterns while the rest of the ceiling had good engraving of different people. The floor was made out of polished wood that looked untouched, the windows being tall and the curtains draping over the side. Gold chandeliers hung from the ceiling, making the room look even more marvelous.

 Gold chandeliers hung from the ceiling, making the room look even more marvelous

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"Wow." You whispered, looking at the certain carvings of people.

"So you're the one who gets to join us today, wonderful." Jin said, giving a very small smile.

"Good morning your majesty's." You said, bowing to both him and Jungkook. God it was so awkward, you already wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

"So, when is the Fall ball?" You asked Jin, staring at him and patiently waiting for his answer.

"Exactly 3 days." Jin informed.

A/n: filler chapter, kinda short-ish, sorry. But anyways thank you for reading, bye lovelies <3

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