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You and Jungkook stayed at the house for about four more hours, talking about random topics, watching movies, and eating here and there. For some reason you felt like everything was actually going good.



It's been about three months since you've seen your mother. It is also now freezing, given the fact that it's December 6th, and though Friday's at the castle are usually hectic, it's been oddly calm.

You and Jungkook have gotten closer, most of the public now knowing you as the girl who "unfroze the youngest King's heart". Though Jungkook would have outbursts of anger, he really did try to keep his emotions under control.

You were currently walking through the halls in a black robe, looking for a certain 5'7" vampire. Unluckily for him, you knew exactly what his tasks were.

"DAVID JOHN FRANCO." You exclaimed loudly, grabbing him by his shoulders, forcing him to face you.

"What the hell do you want?" He asked, exhausted from cleaning the windows. You wrapped your arms around his torso, your face resting on his shoulder as he returned your death grip of a hug.

"Where have you been? Jungkook just told me that you got back from your business trip, but I didn't think that it was going to last for two weeks. I mean I can't be here for long because Jungkook didn't really want me to see you right now because I'd interrupt your work." You mumbled the last sentence, not really caring too much about it.

"Well things got really... iffy. Charles and I got caught up in a fight with some werewolves, it's was stupid too because we accidentally went on their turf and they got pissed. Oh and get a load of this, when we were on the search for Bruno we found him dead already, which was really weird because apparently we were the only ones to know his location." Dave states, turning back to the windows.

"Weird." You muttered, only knowing some of the specifics about Bruno, the Fallen Angel who was going around on a killing spree. He was apparently really strong, but if he got killed before Dave and Charles could get to him, was he really that powerful or was he just a hateful murderer who got what he had coming.

"So, what about those Demons in the prison? Did they end up giving anything away? Or do they not realize the hole they're digging themselves in?"

"Jungkook said they won't give any answers away. When he tried a truth spell, they literally hit off their own tongues in order not to tell anything." You informed him, grabbing and extra rag and cleaning the bottom half of the window.

"Wow. I wonder why. They mustn't have something that is that big of a secret to hide for them to literally bite their own tongues off." He chuckled, shaking his head at the idiocy.

"Yeah. I really don't think they have anything to hide, I think it's more of them just wanting be stubborn." You admitted, following Dave over to the next window.

"You know you don't have to help, right?"

"Oh believe me, I'm aware. I just want to help, I have nothing else better to do because Jungkook is working."

"Oh but if Jungkook wasn't working you'd do him?" Dave asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You threw a hard punch at his arm, but to your dismay, it had little to no effect on him.

"Oh don't be so defensive y/n, I'm just messing with you." Dave chuckles, continuing to clean the window.

"Yeah, whatever." You mumble, moving on to the next window.


"I missed you."

"I was only gone for five hours, you're fine." Jungkook states, kissing the top of your head. You snuggled into him more, your eyes fixated on the TV. The two of you were currently watching Home Alone, wanting to get more into the "Christmas" mood.

"You know what I never understood? How in the world do you forget a child, especially your own. Like I know things were super hectic before they left, but how can someone forget about their own child." Jungkook questioned, his eyebrows furrowing at the movie.

"Well, Kevin was kind of the "loner" in the family. Like you said, it was also I a really hectic morning. Besides all of that I have no clue, Jungkook." You mumbled, trying to watch the movie.

It was about an hour into the movie and you could feel your eyes getting droopier and your mind was starting to go blank.

That's when you drifted off into sleep, comfortably laying on Jungkook's chest.


You woke up to the sound of a door closing, quiet footsteps slowly making their way towards the bed. You noticed that Jungkook was no longer in the bed, so you figured that he had to use the bathroom. You slowly opened your eyes, trying to see in the room that only had the light from the moon outside.

"Jungkook, come onnnn, it's cold and I want to go back to bed." You said quietly, watching the black silhouette get closer. You squinted, trying to see his face in the darkness.

"Jungkook?" You whispered, wondering why he didn't say anything back. With sudden realization, your eyes opened widely and you sat up from your laying position.

That's not Jungkook.

A/n: I'm currently going through a writers block so this is a shorter chapter than usual. Thank you for reading and please vote, bye lovelies <3

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