•31• part 2

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Then all you saw was darkness.

You quickly jumped back from the window, your back hitting Jungkook's arm. He wrapped his arm around your waist, smiling at the fact that you just jumped from it being dark outside.

"Master, what's going on? It's pitch black outside." You stated, trying to get his arm off of your waist.

"We're passing through a portal to Sonolyn. By the way, when we get there make sure that you stay close to me because it's dangerous here." Jungkook warned.

"Then why would you take me here? Do you want me to die or something?" You exclaimed, starting to push away from him.

"It's not like I dragged you here to kill you, dumbass. If you stay by me you won't even get close to getting hurt, plus if someone were to lay their hands on you, I'll kill them." Jungkook states, smiling down at your struggling figure.

"Your majesty, we've finally arrived in Sonolyn, my personal hellhole." Liam informed, opening the door.

Sonolyn was not what you were expecting. You expected fire, dead bodies, and a bunch of burnt down buildings, not a huge city with green grass and really nice cars.

"This is the really dangerous place you guys always talk about? What kind of Tom fuckery is this?" You asked, Liam staring at you with a smirk.

"You're going to let her wear something like that here? She's not going to last more than two seconds." Liam laughed, slamming the carriage door behind you.

You jumped, Jungkook glaring at the man. "Stop doing things that'll scare her you dick."

"It's not my fault she's a jumpy little thing." Liam states, following behind you and Jungkook. You honestly wanted to slap him, but decided that you'd rather live instead of die.

"Where are we going?" You asked quietly, keeping up with Jungkook's long strides.

"You're sentence is lacking, y/n." Jungkook warned, scowling down at you.

"Please don't make me say it when people are around, it's going to be embarrassing." You whispered, looking back at Liam. He had an eyebrow raised, wondering what the hell the two of you were talking about.

"Y/n, I don't think you'll like the consequences from refusing an order that I gave you." Jungkook states, smirking.

"Where are we going, Master?" You asked quietly, feeling heat rise into your cheeks.

"Well Lillian did tell you that there was a problem in Sonolyn, I'm here to find out what she's talking about because Yoongi won't tell me." Jungkook informed.

"So can you call me that too or-?"

"Liam, shut your damn mouth for five seconds. She's mine, not yours." Jungkook lowly stated, his arm possessively wrapping around your waist. Liam chuckled putting his hands up defensively.

You felt blush creep onto your cheeks.


You're his.

Your lips tugged up into a small smile, but then you noticed that Jungkook was burning holes into your head, a frown on his lips. He tightened his grip, he fingers digging into your sides.

"Don't take that too personally, okay babygirl?" Jungkook whispered, lowly chuckling as he moved his head away from your ear. You quickly nodded, your side starting to hurt from his fingers.

You tried your best to not get upset, but your heart ached like it always does when he messes around with your feelings.

"Your majesty, what exactly are we looking for? Any specifics? Like maybe a name, weapon, you know something that could help." Liam asked, noticing the silence.

"Well if Lillian would actually have gave us a more specific warning then I could easily answer your question, but she didn't. May you burn in hell Lillian." Jungkook said proudly, flipping off the ground.

You stared ahead of the three of you, feeling like someone that's walking on the same street as you, would end up killing you. You didn't feel safe in this somehow beautiful supernatural city.

"Then how are we going to find anything out? Is there anyone that you're suspicious about?" Liam asked, looking around.

"Actually there is one person that could possibly help, because there's this grim reaper that attacked a while back and I don't know who he was working for or if he had alliances." Jungkook states, grabbing you by the arm and teleporting in front of a skyscraper.

The three of you walked in, Jungkook being unbothered as ever. "I need to see Eritha (pronounced E-reye-tha)." Jungkook said, the receptionist starting at him, basically drooling.

"Um, okay your majesty, I'll tell her that I'm sending you up." She said, looking him up and down. You noticed Liam staring at her with a small smirk, his eyes skimming over her body.

"Who is this person that has one of the weirdest ass names?" You asked Liam, not wanting to ask Jungkook anything because he'd make you say Master at the end of every sentence.

"She like....helps keep some control in this God forsaken place. Don't say anything about her name either, us demons that have been here forever have weird ass names." Liam states as you guys walked in the elevator.

"Your name isn't weird."

"Because it's not my real name. My real name is Liadormien." Liam says, making you look at him weirdly.

"Do you hate your name or something?" You asked.

"Nah, it's just too long. I don't like having to introduce myself as Liadormien all of the tine so I just go by Liam."

You nodded, wondering what the fuck his parents were thinking. Hearing the elevator ding, you didn't even have time to wait for the doors to open fully before you got dragged out by Jungkook.

"Stop pulling my around like I'm a damn-." You cut yourself off, noticing his deadly glare.

"Shut up and keep your mouth closed the entire tile you're in here, understand?"

"Yes, Master."

Once you walked through the big doors, you saw a beautiful woman sitting in a red chair, a frown on her face.

"Jungkook, you only come here when you need something, so what the hell do you need?" Eritha asks. Jungkook smirked, letting go of your hand.

"Oh come on E, don't act like you're not happy to see me, after all, you still love me." Jungkook teases, staring at her. She was still frowning, her eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you want, Jungkook?" Eritha rolled her eyes.

"So I've received a message that a danger was brewing apparently, I need answers. Do you know anything?" Jungkook quickly asks.

Eritha smiled. "I've heard some talk, but for me to give information I'm going to need some type of payment." She smirked.

"Oh boy." Liam said quietly, making you furrow your eyebrows.

A/n: ugh I'm terrible at updating on time but thank you for reading and please vote, bye lovelies <3

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