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You and William Turner have been best friends since you were eight. He was an orphan and a blacksmith while you were a baker and an orphan as well. Neither of you had much money, but where that was lacking, your friendship was not. He was the best thing about your life and he would say the same about you. Of course you had your differences, but the one thing you could always count on was him being by your side through everything. Until, you couldn't.

It was Wednesday which meant that both you and Will had the day off. You only got one a week, so you always did something special together. Your house was above your bakery so that's where Will had come to get you, as usual. It was around eight o'clock in the morning and you were dressed and ready to go. You only had two dresses, so there were very limited options of what you could wear. The dress you had on today was fairly simple. It was cream and black and had no ruffles or frills. Just a simple shape and a small print of a sparrow on one edge of the collar. Your hair was pulled up into a single braid running down your back and a small silver comb with the same sparrow as your dress was the only piece of jewelry on you. It was also the only piece of jewelry you owned. As mentioned earlier, money was tight.

Will knocked on the door and you called down "Enter." Even though you knew it was Will, it was a joke of yours to sound prestigious when you were around one another. You heard Will's footsteps against the wood as he walked up the stairs and entered your room.

"You ready, M'lady?"
"Of course, kind sir." Will burst out laughing, and you soon joined in. Walking through the front door of your house, your black shoes clacked loudly against the steps, sounding above the groan of the old wood.
"So. Where are we going today?"
"You'll just have to wait and see," he grinned. Will took a piece of fabric out of his pocket, folded it, and tied it around your head.

Will came up behind you and put his hands on your shoulders, causing your cheeks to turn a rosy pink. Though you would never really admit it (barely even to yourself) you had been feeling something more than friendship with him for about two years now. You walked cautiously with him guiding you for a fair amount of time before you both stopped. Will took off the blindfold and you opened your eyes. You were on top of a foothill and the view was... amazing. The sun was glinting with a golden glow off the open sea and you stood in the middle of a meadow of wildflowers. The light lavenders and pale yellows poked out through the tall grass, swaying softly in the wind.

"So, what do you think?"
"It's lovely." You said, and found yourself breathless. Wanting to feel the wind in your hair, you pulled out your braid, letting your hair fall down around your back. It blew softly as you smiled, closed your eyes and tilted your head back.
Will put down a small basket you hadn't noticed he was holding and set out a few plates, a blanket, and some food.
"Will," you wondered aloud, "What's the occasion?"
"It's your seventeenth birthday, Y/n. Did you honestly forget?"
"I... I guess so. Thank you so much, Will!"
"I also made you this..." Will said as he reached into his pocket once more and took out a little bag. "Here. You open it."
"Oh, Will! You shouldn't have!" You opened the small velvet pouch, revealing a tiny pendant in the shape of a dolphin. "It's beautiful! Thank you so so much!"

Will averted his eyes, almost as if he was embarrassed. But past the dark hair that fell in front of his face you could see the red tint in his cheeks and the small smile that followed. You pulled your hair to one side of your neck as Will put the necklace around your neck. His gentle hands brushed against your skin as he did up the clasp and you dropped your hair once more. You both walked over to the blanket, sat down and started eating. You talked about anything and everything and spent the whole afternoon laughing with one another. When you got home that evening, you realized the most important thing you had ever truly believed.

You, Y/n L/n, loved William Turner.

Deep Ocean (Will Turner x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now