Chapter 7

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Your bare feet splashed in the water as you held your shoes in your hand. Will was less than a foot in front of you, following Jack. You ducked slightly, though there was no reason to, as you stopped under a bridge. There were guards virtually everywhere after the events of last night and the wind was strong. Unusually strong. That's odd. You thought yourself. The pirate turned around, making eye contact with Will, and said, "This girl... how far are you willing to go for her?"

He raised an eyebrow as Will opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. "If you say you'll die for her, I swear I will kill you, William." He kicked the water, getting annoyed like every other time you use his full name to make a point.

"Y/n, you're the only person I would ever die for." He said, smiling at you, then pulling you into a passionate kiss.

Jack gagged and rolled his eyes. "Forget I asked." He said, utterly disgusted. 

"So, how are we supposed to find Elizabeth?" Will asked, pulling away from the kiss. 

"We are going to commander a ship. That ship." Jack said, pointing to The Dauntless.

"And how, pray tell, are we going to manage that?" You asked, the very thought of doing so baffling you.

"Do you mind getting wet at all?" Jack replied.


The air began to thin as you walked behind Will on the ocean floor, covered by a rowboat. "This is either madness, or brilliance." Will said, not speaking to anyone in particular.

"Yes. It's funny how to two seem to coincide." The pirate replied, obviously running out of air as well. You spotted the anchor of The Dauntless and pointed. Jack gave the signal to go to the surface as Will wrapped his left arm around your waist, pulling you up with him as the boat flipped and the oxygen supply went with it. He gave you a boost up to the back of the ship first, then hoisted himself onto it promptly afterwards, Jack surfacing a few seconds later. You climbed to the top, your soaked dress weighing you down, slightly though, because you couldn't afford to buy one with that much material. You swung your legs over the railing at the top of the ship, Jack and Will following suit.  As soon as Will got to the top, he stopped, his lips nearly touching your ear, and say, "Stay here." You nodded as Jack walked down the steps and Will jumped over the railing. "Everyone, stay calm! We are taking over the ship!"

"Aye! Avast!" Jack glanced disapprovingly at Will who looked genuinely confused. You couldn't help but chuckle at him. The British crew laughed too, but not at Will. "You cannot sail this ship  with two people. You'll never even make it out of the bay."

"But you forgot one very important thing, mate." He pulled out a pistol and aimed it at the general's head. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?"


You paced around the deck, wondering why Jack hadn't left the bay yet. "Why aren't we leaving?" You said, the stress you were feeling coming out in your voice.

"Because, the plan isn't complete yet." Jack said, for what felt like the millionth time. You continued pacing, growing increasingly more and more stressed. You heard a yell. Your head whipped up and you stopped pacing as you looked to the docks and saw The Interceptor pull away and head towards The Dauntless, of which you were already on.

"Is that part of you plan?" You said, very nervous as Jack spotted the ship, as well. The Interceptor pulled up next to your ship and sent out grappling hooks and cables, hooking onto the railing. Will put the sword he was sharpening back in its sheath and walked over to you, saying, "Follow my lead." You nodded, and followed after him, grabbing a rope as you balanced on the railing. By now, many officers had boarded The Dauntless, but none of them had noticed you yet. You saw Jack and Will swing over to the other ship and, even though you were sure they had gone mad, you followed suit. You landed on The Interceptor just in time to see Jack cut all the British ropes as the boat pulled away from The Dauntless. You noticed one sailor try to swing back to The Interceptor, but only managed to land in the water, meters behind it. Jack was by far the greatest pirate you had ever seen. he was also the only pirate you had ever seen, but it had to count for something.

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