Chapter 5

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The next day, there weren't enough beds in the infirmary for everyone who needed help, so you were kicked out with a bandage over your chest. As soon as you opened the doors, you saw Will unconscious in the middle of the cobblestone street. What on earth happened last night? You walked up to him, crouched down, which caused a throbbing pain to emerge by your shoulder, and shook him awake.
"Will. Will!"
He blinked. Once. Twice. Then, he turned his head, angling it towards yours. "What happened to you?" You asked, his precious face, mercifully untouched and still gorgeous.
"Pirates happened." He said as he took the hand you held out to help him to his feet. Though a bit shaken up, he had no injuries, and once again, he got lucky. He pulled you closer, his left arm around your waist, his right, caressing your cheek. "I almost lost you last night. I promise I will never let anything like that happen to you ever again."
"Don't blame yourself, Will." You said as his lips crashed into yours and you kissed back passionately. You could get used to this.
"Will-" You said, pushing his chest away and pulling out of the kiss. His brow furrowed with worry once more. "I think they took Elizabeth."


Will stormed over to the mapping table and slammed his fist down. Norrington looked up from his work. "They've taken Elizabeth!" Will shouted, enraged by their seeming lack of worry. You were still in the dress from the night before as you stood to the side of Will, ready to intervene if things got ugly, but to everyone else, you appeared to be invisible. "Trust me Mr. Turner, we are doing everything in our power to locate her."
"That's not good enough!" Will grabbed an axe and plunged it into the fresh wood of the table. You laid a hand on Will's shoulder, trying to calm him down, but he shrugged it off, continuing, "Elizabeth is out there, captured by pirates and you are doing nothing about it!"
"This is not a time for rash decisions, Mr. Turner. Do not mistake yourself for being the only one who cares for Elizabeth."
Elizabeth. That name set your blood boiling. She enraged you. Just hearing Will talk about her drove you insane. She was just a liar, a flirt, and a brat, but apparently every man on this island was falling for her. It was sickening; how the only company ever was a group of idiots. Plus Will. 
"If you won't go after Elizabeth, we will." Will said, confidently. Your attention snapped back to the real world and what was happening in this moment. Will gestured to you and all eyes fell on you as you got close enough to Will to talk at a volume that only he could hear, you said, "We? I never agreed to this. If it was up to me, she could rot in the ocean forever."
"Y/n!" Will whispered, a smirk growing on his face and yours in return.
"Sorry, but it's true."

Your smiles diminished as the commodore said, "You are forbidden from doing that. Y/n, I'm very disappointed in you. Honestly, who do you trust more? Your cousin, a commodore and of the Governor's highest command? Or a poor blacksmith boy who can offer you nothing?"
Will's head snapped towards you. Cousin? he mouthed.
Unfortunately. you answered. You gaze returned to Norrington once more. "I trust the boy standing next to me who can offer me a lot more than you know and who is infinitely better company than you will ever be. I resent having you as my cousin, you selfish prig!" You said. Will, who had never seen you so riled up in your life, looked shocked at the words you just uttered. The surrounding guards took a step forwards, weapons pointed at you, but were stopped when the commodore held up a hand. Norrington fumed under his powdered wig as you grabbed Will by the elbow and escorted him back to your house that no longer had a door.

"If you're so set on doing this, how do we leave Port Royal?"
"Well, yesterday before the madness started, I had a rather unusual encounter... with a pirate." He braced, already knowing what your response would be.
"What!? William, why didn't you tell me?!" You started pacing.
"Because you were mad at me and because he's in the prison so it didn't seem like that big a deal."
"Sometimes, you can be incredibly clueless, can't you. Let's go find this pirate."

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