Chapter 4

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You immediately sprang out of your bed and slipped your shoes back on, scampering over to the other side of the room, which wasn't that far. You took a sword out of the umbrella stand where Will had hid it, just in case as you rushed down the steps and pressed your back up against the wall by the door, preparing for the worst. For there was only one explanation for all this commotion: pirates!

Suddenly, the door was thrown off its hinges via cannon, leaving your ducking body exposed and revealing two pirates just outside. They quickly noticed you and, judging by their faces, there weren't many women where they were from. They hungrily eyed you, glanced at one another, and dashed towards you. You readied the sword like Will taught you, praying you remembered his training. As they raised their swords, you tried to recall the footwork you practiced as you sparred against the two hideous men, if you could even call them men. They didn't look human. Sure they had the same build, but there was something about the way their faces looked sunken and their eyes looked hollowly through you. But it didn't matter what they were if they were trying to kill you.

You parried and swiped for their legs as they went for yours. You jumped, aiming and holding your sword against the first one's neck, but the second pirate caught you by surprise. His sword lunged for your chest and found its target, wounding you. The giant gash by your collarbone immediately began gushing blood, permanently staining your dress. You cried out in pain and the two men closed in on you as your used the last of your strength to shuffle away as far as you could. The pirate on the left kicked your dropped sword away and backed you up into a corner. The one on the right lifted up his sword, going in for the killing blow, but a sword flew from out of nowhere, hitting the wall, inches away from his face.

Will walked in the doorway. He must've come to make sure you were alright. He ran towards the two pirates, who were already very aware of his presence,  and he threw his second sword, stabbing the right one in the gut. He ran towards the fallen body and grabbed his sword back. He instantly turned back around, slicing through the side of the second pirate. It was an unpleasant sight, but knowing that he did it for you made everything instantaneously better. Even if you were still bleeding uncontrollably. Will turned back and looked at you, satisfied for a moment, then realized you were bleeding. The wound was deep enough to reveal part of your collar bone, but it luckily wasn't fatal. Will picked you up bridal style and ran. He ran to find help; to get away from the danger and chaos. No, to get you away. He put your needs above his, in this moment. You looked behind you where you saw a group of pirates with a hostage. Elizabeth? You didn't point it out to Will, so it didn't worry him. You were sure it was nothing, anyway. Rrrrip! He tore  off a piece of his shirt and covered your wound with it as you hissed out in pain. Your vision started going in and out, so you tried to focus on one thing: Will. "Stay! Please don't go!" He spoke as he ran to the infirmary. "Help! Please, help!" he yelled out, his voice unheard above the madness. "You'll be alright. Please don't leave me." He yelled once more, "Help!" This time, one relatively young Sister heard his cries and ran over to you. She got a good look at your condition and Will transferred you to her arms as she took you away. You winced as you turned your head back to him and called, "Please don't leave me!"
"I have to!" he yelled back, "I'm sorry! I'll be back for you!" And with that, he grabbed a sword off the ground and ran back into town.

Away from you.

And as much as you hated it, you knew it was what he had to do. Weather it was to prove it to you or to himself, he just had to fight. It was who he was.

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