Chapter 10

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The sky grew darker and darker by the second as you approached the docks in Tortuga. By the time the boat was secured and you, Will, and Jack got off, the sun had disappeared behind the horizon and the only light came from the full moon and the many lanterns scattered around. There were shouts, screams, and laughs coming from every direction, creating a blur of noise in your ears along with a small headache. Once the crowds of people grew thicker, Will began walking behind you and Jack said, "Stay close, I need you alive. The both of you." You and Will exchanged a weary glance as you followed Jack's instructions. You passed drunken people with violent dispositions everywhere as you tried to make yourself as small as possible. Two horses pulling a cart were swerving all over the cobblestone streets as people were dangling from balconies or indulging themselves with rum. "Let me tell you mate," Jack said, obviously talking to Will, "If every place were like Tortuga, no man would ever feel unwanted." You silently giggled at Will, who was clearly dumbfounded by what Jack was implying. His innocence was astounding at his age.

Jack's face lit up, clearly recognizing someone. It was a woman with tangled red hair that had been attempted to be piled into an updo that probably wasn't what she had envisioned. Her face was caked in white powder and she wore an excessive amount of blush that horribly clashed with her hair. "Scarlet!" Jack walked towards her, you and Will following at a distance. Saying nothing, her lips turned into a scowl and she slapped Jack square across his face. "Not sure I deserved that." He said quietly as you smirked and held in a laugh. Another woman, who had obviously seen the events that happened less than ten seconds before, walked over. She had blonde hair that was covered in grime and she wore a slightly torn dress. "Giselle!" Jack said, a smile reappearing on his face.

"Who was she?" Giselle asked sarcastically, her fake smile making her face, which was not very pretty to begin with, even more unpleasant to the eye as Jack was slapped a second time. "I might have deserved that." He commented and tried to continue walking as if nothing had happened. Unable to hold it in any longer, a giggle slipped from your lips and Jack immediately walked over to you, his tall frame towering above you. "Is this humorous to you girl?"

"No." you said, trying to regain any composure you had possessed earlier, but your face gave away the fact that you were lying. Exasperated, he sighed and carried on, you directly behind and Will protecting your back side. You glanced back at him and mouthed yes and a smile dared expose itself on his lips for a few seconds.

Wordlessly following Jack, having no other option than to trust him, he lead the two of you to a  farm on the outskirts of the town where an old, breaking barn with a few pigs were outside. Jack sauntered over, picked up a bucket full of water, and tossed half of it on something you couldn't identify from the distance you had stopped at. Any questions you may have had were quickly answered as a raspy voice spoke out angrily, "Curse you for breathing, you slack-jawed idiot-" but was abruptly stopped when he realized who woke him. "Jack!"

"Mister Gibbs." he answered, a smile dawning on his face.

"Now it be bad luck to wake a man when he's sleeping," Gibbs said, visibly pleased to see a familiar face.

"Well it's a good thing I know how to counter that." Jack said enticingly, "The man who did the waking buys the man who did the sleeping a drink and the man who did the sleeping listens to a proposition from the man who did the waking." There was total and complete silence for a few seconds as Gibbs processed what Jack had said. Will walked away from you and picked up the bucket, moving deliberately and quickly, as he chucked he remaining water on Gibbs who responded by yelling, "Blast, I'm already awake!"

"That was for the smell." Will said, almost too confidently as Jack gave him a questioning look, in turn causing Will to shrink away a little bit. You giggled silently for a grand total of six seconds before you were laughing too hard to keep it in. Jack glared at you while Gibbs just stared, obviously confused as to your helpfulness. Will smiled as the men brushed past you. He intertwined his fingers with yours as the two of you fell into step behind the pirates. 

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