Chapter 11

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As soon as the half-doors to the bar opened, all you could smell was beer, sweat, and blood. Will obviously had the same realization because you noticed his nose scrunching up and him pulling you a bit closer. As the men went to grab drinks and sit down, Jack circled back to you and Will and instructed, "Don't go anywhere and don't get injured." You rolled your eyes discreetly. How stupid did he think you were? You could fend for yourself! You were seventeen!!! Annoyed, you nodded along with Will as the pirate walked back to the table where Mister Gibbs was and you and Will leaned against the nearest clean wall.

"Will," you said, his head angling towards you, indicating that he was listening while staying focused on any possible threats. "Can we please address the fact that you brought Elizabeth up to the hill? Our hill?"

He looked at you, his eyes searching through yours for the emotions you were feeling. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. I just wasn't thinking properly. She wanted to go somewhere private, and it was the only thing I could think of." You inhaled and opened your mouth to say something, but Will cut you off. "I know it should've been somewhere else. I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot for not telling you I loved you sooner. It would've helped so many things." It still made all the butterflies in you stomach swarm around every time he said that. He loved you. You loved him. A simple fact, but one that could change so much. 

"It's okay." You said, picking you words wisely, " I know we weren't on the best terms. And I'm still trying to accept the fact that she's important to you, but I love you too. And everyone can make stupid mistakes." Will slid his hand from yours and placed it tenderly in your hip, the other caressing your cheek as he leaned closer and closer to you. 

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you, too, Will."  He gently tucked a few loose strands of your hair behind your ear as he lowered his lips to meet yours. It was gentle and loving like the other couple of kisses had been, but this one was more reassuring. It felt secure, balanced.

He pulled away slowly, his warm, gentle hand moving to hold yours. You stayed that way for a minute, staring into each others' eyes. You felt a tangle of emotions fighting with each other in your head. Were you mad at Elizabeth? You loved Will so much, though. And he said she was important to him. But was she more important than you. The insecurities kept building. More and more piled up onto each other, making a tower so tall and unstable, there wasn't a chance it wouldn't topple at the slightest breeze. Will kissed you again, pulling you out of your thoughts as they threatened to engulf you as you closed your eyes, focusing on enjoying this moment. That was good enough for now.

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