Chapter 23

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You finally reached shallow water and pulled yourself up so you could wade in the rest of the way. Once you were finally out of the cold water, you fell onto the soft sand and breathed heavily. Swimming that far without a respite took a toll on you. You rolled over on your back as you tried to steady your heart rate. Slowly, you stood up and walked over to where Jack and Elizabeth were. "Jack, you've been marooned before, right?"

"Yes. In fact, it was this very island where we stand." He gestured around.

"How did you get off the first time?" Elizabeth asked. You still kept your distance to her. You were worried that her obnoxiousness was contagious.

Jack opened his mouth to speak, probably to regale you with an exciting tale that was a blatant lie. "Let me rephrase that for her, how did you actually get off the first time?"

Jack sighed, rolling his eyes. "Follow me." He stood up and began walking and pointing at seemingly random things. Trees, certain boulders, a pile of sand that was directly in front of him. He knelt down, brushing the sand off of what appeared to be a trap door. It creaked as he opened it and a huge plume of dust shot out as well. The three of you began to cough as Jack walked down a small ladder, waving his hand in front of his face trying to brush away the dust. "This island used to be a stop on a rum runner's course. I managed to barter my way onto their ship when they came but until then..." He held two bottles of rum up, shaking them excitedly. You reluctantly grabbed one, popping the cork and shaking your head. You walked away, back to where you washed up. You sat down, sighing, as the ship carrying the man you loved sailed away. You took a swig of the hard liquor and lay back onto the coarse sand, staring up into the clouds as they passed overhead. You turned your gaze back to Jack and Elizabeth. Jack, it seemed, had ventured into the jungle, probably to find wood for a fire. Being this close to the ocean at night wasn't safe, but it was slightly more comforting with a fire. You decided to take a walk around the island and see if you could find anything to help with your situation. It was a fairly small island and didn't take too long to walk the perimeter. You searched for anything out of the ordinary or suspicious, but couldn't find a hidden food supply or vessel. Guess you were truly stranded here. 

The sun had started to descend in the clear sky, your hopes of escaping with it. You sighed as you took another swig of rum, the burn of it causing you to wince. Jack and Elizabeth had started up a fire and were extremely drunk. They were singing and dancing and appeared to be enjoying themselves in this terrible situation. You couldn't bring myself to join them, instead deciding to sit about a hundred feet away on the beach. You stared off into the sunset as you imagined what Will was doing. Was he wishing you were near him? You certainly were. Even though you really wanted to give him a good smack upside the head, you missed him with every fiber of your being. You yearned to be lying down next to him, falling asleep to the gentle rocking of a ship on the calm sea. But alas, that was not happening, nor going to happen. You stood up, walking into the forest of palm trees, needing to find a safe place to sleep that wasn't out in the open or far away from the others. You only wandered twenty feet or so before finding a small patch of moss on a fairly flat surface. You lay down, curled up into a ball as the sound of waves crashing on the beach lulled you to sleep. You shoved aside all your thoughts about Will, Elizabeth, and Jack, trying to find peace, if not for a few hours.

Sorry if I made any mistakes in here with the perspective, I originally wrote it in first person and had to change it from there. Please let me know if there's anything I can correct.

Will's POV:

A mop squished sickeningly, mopping up blood from the desk as Mr. Cotton's parrot said, "Shiver me timbers." I leaned my arms through the bars of the cell, sighing at my predicament. I had no idea how I was going to get out of this one. The bars were coated in rust and the smell of drying blood and vomit filled my nose, making me regret every breath I took. The man mopping the floor moved to my side of the brig. If I was stuck here, I might as well look for answers. "Are you William Turner?" I asked.

"Oh Bootstrap Bill?" The man replied,"We knew him. Never sat well with Bootstrap what we did to Jack Sparrow. The mutiny and all." Well at least my dad was somewhat respectable. "He said it wasn't right with the code. That's why he sent off a piece of the treasure to you as it were." I moved my gaze to the floor. "He said we deserved to be cursed. And remain cursed." Well, that part might be true. 

"Stupid blighter." Another man mopping from the other side of the room commented.

"Good man." Gibbs said from the cell across from mine. The man mopping shot a deadly glare at him as he continued, "But as you can imagine, that didn't sit too well with the captain." My gaze returned to him. The other man mopping walked over to our conversation and chuckled, "That didn't sit too well with the captain at all. Tell him what Barbossa did." The first man glared at him as well. "I'm telling the story!" He shouted. He didn't seem to like anyone. That was to be expected, though. He was a pirate after all. "So, what the captain did. He tied a cannon to Bootstrap's bootstraps. Last we saw of ol' Bill Turner, he was sinking to the crushing black oblivion of Davy Jones' locker." I fumed silently and discreetly as the man continued, "Course it was only after that we learned we needed his blood to lift the curse."

"Now that's what you call ironic." The second man said as the two of them laughed. I was disgusted by them. But their laughter quickly stopped once Barbossa entered the brig.

"Bring him." He ordered, tossing the men the ring of keys. I began to panic, but tried to keep myself together. I'd have to. If not for myself, then for Y/n. She deserved better than this. Damn I was such a fool. I let her go. It was my fault she was probably drowned in the middle of the sea. Unless she made it to the island. I prayed she did. I don't know how I would live with myself if she didn't. 

But all I could think about was that she took the necklace off.

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