Chapter 21

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The bang of cannons filled the air as Will ran to find the medallion. Where had he left it? Where could it be? He searched around the ship, dodging bullets and cannon balls. He swerved around crew members, both alive and dead, trying to find the one thing his father left him. He couldn't see it on the deck and decided to look below. He bounded down the stairs three at a time and was forced to stop halfway down. The room was filling up with water. He squinted, searching to see the medallion through the murk. There! A glint of something gold caught his eye. Having no other option and taking his best bet, he dove into the water, swimming blindly to find the medallion. He swept the water in front of him, feeling nothing. BANG! Another cannon went off, missing him by mere feet. Water poured in even faster than before as he continued to search.

The hull of the Interceptor was riddled with cannon holes and more kept coming. The cannons from the Black Pearl were destroying the ship quickly. "Abandon ship!" Gibbs cried as the crew members gave up what they were doing and ran to the boats. They clawed at each other, trying to push ahead and get off the ship that read their doom. "Where's Will?" Elizabeth cried over the noise. The bullets started coming, finding their targets in half the crew as they scrambled over the side to the boats. Gibbs dropped down, landing safely in one, followed by Anamaria and Elizabeth who still had no idea where Will was. There was no sign of him anywhere. Four crew members began to paddle the boat away from the sinking Interceptor. 

Will scrambled around below deck in the increasing water level. He moved to the surface to take one last breath as the water reached the ceiling. He dove down again, his hand landing on something metallic. He squinted open his eyes, the salty seawater burning them, and saw the medallion. He had gotten it! But as he began to swim through the gaping hole in the hull, one last cannon shot was fired, blowing up the Interceptor. 

Y/n screamed as the Interceptor exploded. She hadn't seen Will in any of the boats and could only assume he was still on the ship when it exploded. She stood, frozen, staring at the place the Interceptor once floated. Did he survive? Was he gone? Had he managed to escape? So many questions she couldn't answer. The shooters on the pearl pointed their pistols at the crew of the Interceptor, forcing them to climb onto the only ship left standing. They filed onto the ship one by one, ending with Elizabeth. Y/n's blood began to boil. She stalked over to the crew of the Interceptor, fists balled and anger rising. "This is all your fault!" She screamed at Elizabeth, who looked genuinely surprised. "He's dead because of you!"

Elizabeth scowled. "Thought you would've been dead already after Will deserted you."

Hot angry tears started to drip down Y/n's face as a crowd began to gather. Y/n threw a punch at Elizabeth's too-perfect face, sending the spoiled girl toppling to the ground. Y/n felt a hand on her shoulder. "Y/n, don't. It's okay but you can't do this here."

Y/n shrugged Gibbs' hand off her arm saying, "She's the reason the man I love is dead! He's gone! Because of her!" Elizabeth stumbled as she tried to get back up, but Y/n beat her to it. Y/n punched her once. Twice. Blood began running out of Elizabeth's nose. Three times. Until someone yelled, "Hey!" 

Everyone's gaze turned away from Y/n and Elizabeth and to... Will. 

He stood on the edge of the ship, holding onto a piece of rope, a pistol under his chin. He made eye contact with Y/n who was speechless. Half of her wanted to knock him off of the rail into the water, but the other half wanted to engulf him in hugs. 

"My name is William Turner, son of Bootstrap Bill Turner! It is my blood you need to break your curse! I've come to bargain!"

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Barbossa inquired, but was paid no heed by Will.

"If you do not agree to all my terms and conditions, I will pull this trigger, spilling all the blood you need!"

"No you won't boy!" Barbossa yelled, laughing as the rest of the crew joined in.

Will raised his brow in challenge, "Is that really a chance you're willing to take?"

Someone climbed up the stairs loudly on the other side of the boat. "William? I thought you had died!" Jack said, walking up next to Barbossa. "Pleasure to see you, mate."

Will rolled his eyes. "Y/n and Elizabeth go free!" Will shouted, gaining Barbossa's attention once more. Jack made a few confusing gestures with his hand, no doubt wanting Will to make him captain of the Black Pearl once more. "And the crew! The crew will go free as well!" Jack continued to gesture, but Will obviously was not catching his drift. 

"Fine! We have an accord, then." Barbossa walked towards the rail, grabbing Will down off it. Jack sighed, exasperated. As he was taken to the brig, Will made eye contact with Y/n.

"I love you. I'm sorry." He mouthed as he was taken down the stairs.

His face fell when Y/n didn't reply. He noticed the empty space around her neck where the necklace had once been.

"Alright, time to be free." Barbossa said. "Gents, ready the plank!"

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