Chapter 6

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"Hey! Sparrow!" Will said as he ran down the steps of the dungeons. "Aye!" the pirate responded, barely lifting his head up to see who approached him. "Where does it make berth?" Will said, his voice raised still.

"Where does what make berth?" The pirate replied, laying his head down in the sawdust once more.

"The Black Pearl."

"So you're looking for the pearl? Haven't you heard the stories?" Will shook his head, desperately wanting the pirate to speak faster. "Well, it makes berth on the fabled Isla de Muerta that can only be found by those who already know where it is." He said, gold tooth glinting in the  faint light let in by the hole in the cell next to him.

"The ship is real enough, which must mean its anchorage must be real, too. Where is it?!" Will said, speaking faster by the second.

"Why ask me?"

Will hesitated for a moment, not expecting that response. "What?"

"Why ask me." the pirate said once more, but this time, it wasn't a question.

"Because you're a pirate." Will replied, once more, pointing out the obvious.

"But why are you looking for the pearl."

"Because..." Will said, looking rather uncomfortable, "They've taken miss Swann."

Then without missing a beat, the pirate said, "Oh, so there is a girl."

You took this as your cue to walk down the stairs loudly and stand next to will who was running a hand through his hair. "I will have you know that Elizabeth is not 'the girl'. That role is mine, thank you very much." You said as Will wrapped his arm around you. He knew that you were not only addressing the pirate.

"Alright now," the pirate said, standing up and pausing for a minute, "I'm confused. Is she the girl, or is Miss Swann the girl?"

"She is the girl." Will said, voice not wavering the slightest bit.

"What did you say your name was, boy?"

"Will Turner." He said, a bit hesitantly.

"Short for William, I imagine. No doubt named after your father." The pirate seemed to forget that the two of you were there, as he looked lost in thought. You and Will exchanged looks.

"So you'll help us?"

"Well, only if you get me out of here. The keys are that way." he said, pointing down the hall.

"No need." Will said, a look of determination on his face.

"What?! Of course we need the keys! How on earth are we supposed to get him out if we don't have them?!" You said, dreadfully confused.

"I helped make these cells." Will said as he picked up a bench and wedged a bar in between the legs of it. "With the right leverage and proper application of force, the door will lift free."

"Well then, do we have ourselves an accord?" the pirate asked, stacking his hand out between the bars. Will reached out to shake his hand, but you said, "Wait! We forgot one thing. You must promise to bring us to Miss Swann and to not lay a hand on either of us. And yes, I am coming too."

"Well fine. Just get me out of here!" he said as Will shook his hand and pushed down on the back end of the bench. The door lifted away loudly as Will grabbed your hand and the two of you raced up the stairs, followed by the pirate after he got his weapons and hat.

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