Chapter 17

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The captain scrambled down the piled of gold towards you as you willed you feet to move. They stayed planted where they were, in shock. The other pirates bared their teeth and drew their weapons, their gazes trained on you. They closed in on you as your feet refused to move no  matter how much you needed them to. The captain, now less than a foot away from you, raised his sword and placed his blade against your neck. His hot breath reeked of decay and apples. "What have you seen, girl?"
Think!  "Umm, p-parley." You stumbled over the word as it escaped your mouth.
"What?" The pirate asked, having obviously received an answer he didn't expect or particularly like.
"Yes, I know what you said." He hissed bitterly as he reluctantly slid his blade back into its sheath. "Take her back to the ship." The pirates, who obviously hadn't had any female company until Elizabeth and were desperate for more, grinned in agreement as a large pirate stood behind you, sword against your back. You whimpered. He pushed you forward as your feet shuffled across the cave floor.

But in a corner there was a noise; a voice that was all too familiar to you and one you didn't particularly like: Jack.

Two pirates moved in front of him as he struggled to produce a word. "Par- par- Parsnip?"
"Parley?" One of the other pirates suggested, trying to be helpful. The other hit his comrade upside the head as Jack shouted triumphantly, "Aye, that's it! Parley. Parley!"
"Damn to the depths whoever invented the word parley." A pirate said.
"That would be the French." Jack clarified.

Knife at your back, you placed one foot in front of the other, trudging forward. The huge pirate behind you pushed you roughly into a small rowboat with four other grimy men. You clenched your teeth together and, noticing there was nowhere for you to sit, pushed one over the edge of the boat. He was the one who had been shot earlier. He tumbled into the surprisingly deep water and you sat down, filling the space where he had been. The other three pirates shrunk away from you as the one who held a sword to your back sat down in front of you. His sickening grin gave you a gentle reminder that if you made one more wrong move, you'd soon have bigger, and bloodier, problems than finding a seat.

You saw the pirate you threw overboard climb onto the boat with Jack on it as the two pirates in the front began rowing away from the shore. As the boat pulled away, the pirate next to you whimpered and seemed to shrink even more under your gaze. He had a wooden eye and short hair compared to most of the people around him. As the boat exited the cave, you could swear you saw the back of the Interceptor pulling away, a silhouette of two people kissing at the back of the deck. Never in a million years would you have thought the second person wouldn't be you.

Wait! You screamed in your head. You forgot me! But then you remembered. Whoever falls behind gets left behind. 

That son of a bitch.

As the dinghy pulled towards the Black Pearl, you ripped the necklace off your neck. You took one last look at it as you dropped it into the ocean.

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