Chapter 25

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"I don't care for this situation." Norrington said as you, Jack, and several members of the royal navy sat in a small dinghy, scoping out the Black Pearl from a distance. "Any attempt to storm the caves could turn into an ambush."

"Not if you're the one doing the ambushing." Jack said, actually making a solid point for once. "Y/n and I go in, convince Barbossa to send his men out with their little boats, you and your mates return to the Dauntless and blast the bejesus out of them with your little cannons. What do you have to lose?" He rested his arm on the commodore's shoulder. 

"Nothing I'd lament being rid of." You laughed through your nose as Norrignton slid Jack's hand off him with the tip of his pistol.

"Now, to be quite honest with you, there's still a slight risk to those aboard the Dauntless, which includes the future Mrs. Commodore." They deserved each other you thought hatefully, then scolded yourself for thinking such thoughts. Even though it was true.

A few minutes later, you and Jack sat in silence, rowing into the cursed caverns of the Isla de Muerta once again, only this time with the absence of Will. The faint chants of blood being repeated several times over echoed to your ears as Jack said quietly, "Just to let you know, we are not doing anything that we promised whatsoever to that cousin of yours. Except rescuing young Mister Turner of course."

"Well I figured that. You are a pirate after all." Maybe you were more of a pirate then you thought. Jack laughed quietly as the boat moved further into the caves. The silence was too loud. You pondered what you would say to Will the next time you saw him. If there was a next time. It would depend on what he said, though. But if he still loved you, would the thought of him choosing Elizabeth constantly loom over you? Could you ever really trust him again? And what if this- piracy- consumed your life? What if things could never go back to the way they were before? Would Will still want you if he knew about the terrible thoughts you'd been having? Would he still be able to love a pirate? Because that's what you were on track to become.

The chants grew louder as your boat approached. You silently climbed out of the boat and onto the shore, walking inconspicuously behind the crowd. Luckily, the hat Jack had given you acted somewhat as a disguise, preventing you from being noticed for being a girl. You and Jack slowly made your way to the front, pushing past many buckaneers, hellbent on slitting Will's throat. You dared a glance up and... there he was. His arms tied behind his back and were held by two men, his neck stretched out over the triangular chest, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. He glanced up for a split second, finding your eyes in the crowd. He relaxed slightly, but it was short lived. For while you and Jack pushed your way through the crowd, Barbossa spotted you. Well, there was no point in hiding anymore. You rose to your full height as the two of you made it to the very front of the crowd. "Wait!" Jack cried out.

"Jack." Will said, under his breath. You could see his shoulders tensing.

Barbossa stood there, mouth agape as he whispered, "It's not possible."

You and Jack walked closer. "Not probable."

Elizabeth?  Will mouthed to you.

She's fine. You mouthed back, a little hurt that he didn't ask if you were fine. But you understood why. Elizabeth was the whole reason any of you were here in the first place.

You looked around nervously asWill was lowered closer to the chest by a scowling Barbossa. Jack had told you to trust him. And, given the fact that he was a pirate, you had been extremely skeptical, now more than ever. But if Will was going to survive this, you had to behave according to plan. Barbossa moved his knife to Will's throat, but was cut off from completing the action for you said, "You don't want to be doing that, mate."

Barbossa turned to look at you and said, "No, I really think I do."

"Your funeral." Jack said, moving his hands in front of him.

Barbossa rolled his eyes. "Why don't I want to be doing it?"

"Well, because," You said, stepping forward along with Jack, "Because the HMS Dauntless, pride of the Royal Navy, is floating just offshore." Will struggled against his captors, knowing full well Elizabeth would be on it. Rumblings came from the crowd in confusion as Jack smirked and Will cocked his head, trying to figure out what it was the two of you had planned.

"Just hear me out mate." Jack said as the two of you climbed the huge pile of wealth and stood next to Barbossa and Will. It took every shred of strength you had not to kiss him right then and there, but that, alas, was not part of the plan at all. "You order your men to row out to the dauntless, they do what they do best," Laughter came from the crowd below, "Robert's your uncle, Frannie's your aunt, and there you are with two ships. The makings of your very own fleet." To you, he was overselling it, but apparently the pirates were eating it up.

"Of course you'll take the grandest to be your flagship, and who's to argue? But what of the Pearl?" You said, setting Jack up for his big proposal. You tried to ignore every feeling you've ever felt for him as Will stared at you. But you refused to make eye contact.

"Name me captain. I'll sail under your colors. I'll give you ten percent of me plunder, and you get to introduce yourself as Commodore Barbossa."

"I suppose in exchange... you wanted me not to kill the whelp?"

"No no no not at all. By all means, kill the whelp." You said as Will's eyes widened almost comically and he struggled against the men holding him once more.

"Just not yet. Wait to lift the curse at the opportune moment." Jack made eye contact with Will as he said this, trying to get the message across. "For instance," Jack said, picking up a handful of gold coins out of the chest, "after you've killed Norrington's men. Every." He dropped a coin back.

"Last." He dropped another.

"One." He dropped one more. The pirates below cackled once more and you saw the wheels in Will's head turning as Jack pocketed one of the coins.

"You've been planning this since the beginning. Ever since you leaned my name." Will said, gritting his teeth. But you couldn't tell if he was honestly upset, or if he was trying to make the charade more believable.

"Yeah." Jack said, pointing out the already obvious. Will made eye contact with you, a pleading expression on his face. But helping him at this moment, wasn't something you could do without jeopardizing everything else. 

"I want fifty percent of your plunder." Barbossa started bargaining.

"Fifteen." Jack said.


Tewnty-five." Barbossa stopped for a minute to ponder this offer. "I'll buy you a hat. A really big one. Commodore." You didn't quite get the obsession with hats, but it sure was working to convince Barbossa.

"We have an accord." Barbossa smiled as he shook Jack's hand, a sickening thing to witness. The only thing more terrifying than a scowling pirate: a smiling one.

"All hands to the boats!" Jack shouted, excitedly. There was no reaction whatsoever. "Apologies. You give the orders." He said to Barbossa.

"Gents, take a walk!" Barbossa shouted out to the men in a constant drunken state. The crew began shouting as they moved towards the cave entrance.

"Not to the boats?" Jack asked as the crew moved out. We had to free Will. And we had to do it now.

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