Chapter 26

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As Jack wandered around the cave, picking out treasure of different shapes and sizes and trying to figure out how to hold all of them, you and Will tried to talk. Of course, everything either of you said would be heard by Barbossa, his crew, and Jack, so you could only communicate with your eyes. Yn, how are you here? His eyes asked from across the cave as you sharpened your sword. 

We escaped. How are you and Elizabeth?

Will averted his gaze, his hair falling in front of his face. He looked up at me, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. "I don't love her, I love you, Y/n." He said out loud, everyone in the cave turning to stare at him. But he remained unfazed. "Please forgive me. You have no idea how sorry I am. I was stupid and reckless and I was a complete and total idiot. And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but it's all I want. Please." Your mouth hung agape for a split second.

"His hands are tied, you can take my weapons. But can we have a moment please?" You asked Barbossa, the slightly angry expression on your face not changing one bit.

"Fine." The captain said as you dropped the sword where you stood. Followed by a couple daggers hidden against your calves. Will shrugged off the hands of his captors as you grabbed his shoulder, walking fifty paces away from everyone else.

"Why? Why did you leave me?"

"I don't know, Y/n." You moved to walk away, but Will continued, "She got in my head. I was just so confused and she seemed like the safe choice. But I don't want the safe choice. I want you! I want the girl who I started loving when I was fourteen. I want the girl who risked her life so I could save someone she hated. I want you." Your back still to him, a hot tear slid down your cheek. "Please, Y/n." He begged, his eyes growing wet.

"Promise me this," You started.


"We are never sailing off on a whim ever again."

"Done." The smile in his voice was obvious. You turned around and walked towards the boy you loved. "God I love you." He said softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. Will smiled as your lips moved passionately against his. And although you would never admit it, you secretly loved every second you spent on the open sea with the boy in front of you.

Whoa that was a short chapter. Sorry. The next one will be longer with quite a bit of action, so hang onto your hats, folks. We're nearing the end of book one. Yes that's right, book one. THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL! Stay tuned for the final chapters!

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