Chapter 16

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Will jolted forward, his eyes trained on Elizabeth, but a hand stopped him. "Wait. Not yet." Will huffed, ducking back down. The pirate on the top of the pile of treasure continued, "Who here has payed the blood debt owed?" The crew yelled out, thrusting their fists and swords into the air. "And who's blood has yet to be payed?"
"Her's!" The pirates said in unison, sending chills up the back of your neck. The leading pirate pushed Elizabeth's back, sending her forward with her neck extended over the chest and drew out his sword, the silvery sound of metal sliding out of its sheath resounding around the cave. Will went to get up again, but one more, he was held back and pushed down, out of sight.
"NOT YET!" Jack hissed. 

The pirate pulled Elizabeth's hand forward and lowered his blade until it was an inch away from her palm. Will quickly scanned the cave and picked up the paddle you had used to row here. He swung it, knocking Jack unconscious. Your hands clapped over your mouth in shock at what he has just done, but he walked past you. His face had overconfidence written all over it. You raised your head to the sky, which you couldn't see inside the cave, and prayed to no god in particular: "Please," you whispered, "Please please please don't let Will get hurt." You squeezed your eyes shut but when you opened them, you couldn't see Will. You jogged slightly through the cave and you caught sight of him. Well, more like the top of his head.

He was underwater, behind the pile of gold Elizabeth and the pirate were standing on. His eyes met yours and you saw something flicker behind them. Guilt? What would he feel guilty about, though?

The pirate pulled Elizabeth's hand forward and cut it with his sword as Elizabeth yelped in pain. He pulled the gold medallion off her neck and placed it in her cut palm. Turning her hand over, he forced her to drop the medallion into the chest as the room grew silent. The pirate hit the side of Elizabeth's head, sending her falling to the ground behind the enormous mound of gold. You scoffed, knowing the pirate didn't hit her that hard and she was just being dramatic, but when wasn't she?

"Well? Did it work?" One of the crew members asked, looking around the room.
"I don't feel no different." Someone else said as you cringed at his lack of basic proper grammar. The captain, you assumed, rolled his eyes and pulled a pistol out of his belt. He lackadaisically shot the pirate who talked last.
"I'm alive!" The pirate who was shot said, relief replacing the shock, but even that was soon replaced by anger. "You shot me!" He said accusingly as the captain rolled his eyes once more.
"The girl's blood didn't work!" Another pirate yelled as someone else yelled, "I say we should spill all her blood, just in case!" A chorus of cheers of agreement rang out as the captain drew his sword, his feet in a defencive stance. His mouth was moving, but his words were unimportant to you, for you saw something else way more urgent happening.

Will moved silently through the water, until he reached the back of the gold pile. He shook Elizabeth awake. Her eyes fluttered open and Will gestured for her to come with him. She nodded, grabbing the medallion as she slid into the water. They swam soundlessly under the water and climbed up onto the shore behind a pile of rocks. Though the pirates couldn't see them, you could. Elizabeth leaned in and kissed Will, but promptly pulled away. They searched each others' eyes for a few moments before Will's lips crashed against Elizabeth's.

You gasped and the cave went silent. Will poked his head out from behind the boulders, grabbed Elizabeth's arm, and ran out a different exit. The pirates didn't notice them.

But they noticed you.

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