Chapter 20

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Third person POV:

"Hands aloft to loose the gallons! With this wind, she'll carry every sail we've got!" Gibbs ordered as Elizabeth poked her head up from below deck. She'd stayed there since the incident with Will. But now, a ship was approaching the Interceptor from behind and gaining. Elizabeth cried out, "What's happening?" Trying to be heard over the noise of the men hurrying around the ship.

"The Black Pearl is gaining on us!" The woman manning the wheel responded.

"But this is the fastest ship in the Caribbean!" Elizabeth replied indignantly.

"Tell them that after they've caught us!" The woman shouted back, spinning the wheel as the ship turned slightly to the left. 

"Can't we lose them amongst those shoals?" Elizabeth suggested. 

"We don't have to outrun 'em long, we only have to outrun 'em long enough!" Gibbs smiled, running down to the deck once more. Elizabeth's idea would either work or get the entire crew killed. Preferably, the former.

"We must lighten the ship! Anything that we can afford to lose, see that it's lost!" Gibbs cried out, hurrying around the men. "Aye Captain!" They replied.

But on the Black Pearl, other events were taking place. Barbossa had decided to put Jack in the brig, but left Y/n out. He didn't see her as a threat. He couldn't be more wrong if he tried. As the cell door closed and Jack was pushed into the cell, his feet became wet. "Apparently there's a leak" He said, walking to the back of the cell where it was drier. He peeked out and saw barrels and bottles floating past. What?

"Haul on the main brace! Make ready the guns!" Barbossa commanded as men pushed their way around Y/n who was standing awkwardly behind the steering wheel. The crew readied their cannons, preparing to fight for their blood that hadn't yet been spilled. They gained distance on the Interceptor with every passing second.

Will stood on a railing, holding a rope for support, looking to the ship behind him. Where was she? He searched as it grew closer, but still couldn't see. He ran to the other side and climbed up a few feet on a rope ladder, trying to get a good view. But all he saw were ores coming out of the sides of the ship. They would be close enough to fire soon. The clouds blocked the sun, making the sky reflect the feeling of dread in the stomachs of everyone on the Interceptor.

Y/n ran to the bow of the Black Pearl, straining her eyes to catch a glimpse of the man she loved. She caught him running up the steps to the captain and discussing their plan of action. He glanced every few seconds over at the Black Pearl and Y/n wondered if he was looking for her.

On the Interceptor, Will yelled over the noise of the waves, "We have to take a stand." All eyes landed on him. "We must fight! Load the cannons!" He commanded, but nobody moved.

"With what?" Gibbs questioned as the Black Pearl was closing in and the waves grew rougher.

"Anything! Everything! Anything we've got!" Will replied, running once more down to the deck. He pulled a few ropes, letting down the last of the sails. The crew began running around frantically, shoving anything left into the cannons. Cutlery, plates, nails, and glass among other things were tossed in and prepared to fire. 

Y/n had no idea how Jack was faring below deck. She paced around her corner of the boat, wondering if Will was alright. She looked through the spyglass again. Elizabeth, Gibbs, and Anamaria were by the wheel, but Will was nowhere in sight. He must be on the lower deck with the rest of the crew, Y/n thought; Y/n hoped. Barbossa shouted "Oars!", startling Y/n back a step. As the oars poked out of the cannon holes and began rowing the Pearl closer to the Interceptor, Barbossa turned to look at Y/n. "Did I scare you, little girl?" He laughed as the monkey on his neck smiled. Saying nothing, Y/n pulled herself back together and moved closer to the side of the boat, looking over the edge at the sea below her. If there was anything she could do to make sure Will was safe, she would already be doing it. But she didn't have the power to. 

"The Pearl's catching up! She'll rake us without ever presenting a target!" Gibbs panicked, back on the Interceptor. He ran up the steps to Anamaria at the wheel, closely followed by Elizabeth, then Will. "Lower the anchor on the right side." Elizabeth suggested. Will had to hand it to her, that girl knew her ships.

"Are you mad?" Gibbs asked, his face growing paler by the minute. 

"On the starboard side!" Elizabeth shouted at Will who was utterly confused by what he was supposed to be doing."

"You're daft, lady. You all are!" Anamaria shouted from the wheel, trying to keep the boat steady. 

"Daft like Jack!" Gibbs cried. "Lower the starboard anchor!" He shouted over the railing to the crew. No one knew exactly what Elizabeth was thinking, but they trusted her enough to follow her order. The crew and Will raced to lowering the anchor as fast as they could. Will didn't trust Elizabeth and now less than ever, but they needed a way out of this mess and no one seemed to have any better ideas. Will peered back to the Pearl behind him. Praying that Y/n was still safe. He couldn't see anything too clearly from how far away he was, but he could see a patch of lavender. Which had to be Y/n. So she was still alive for the time being.

As the anchor caught, the Interceptor tilted harshly and turned adjacent to the Pearl. "Hard to port!" Barbossa commanded as Y/n grabbed onto the railing for support as the ship turned. The ships grew closer to each other and lined up. Y/n strained her eyes at the Interceptor, trying to find Will. She searched. And searched. And... found him. He was running across the deck with fuses in hand when they made eye contact. And suddenly, everything that had happened at the Isla de Muerta was long forgotten. There was only now and the threat of imminent danger for the both of them. "Give me those, boy!" Gibbs snatched the fuses from Will's hand ad ran below deck to prepare the cannons. Will was frozen, staring into the eyes of the woman he loved more than anything in the universe. Y/n stared back, longing to be by his side. But Elizabeth grabbed his hand and dragged him to the other side of the ship. Everything flooded back to Y/n at that moment. She looked away, focusing her gaze on the horizon, trying not to think about what could happen to her if one of the cannonballs came her way.

"FIRE!" Barbossa shouted, closely followed by Elizabeth and Will on the Interceptor. Cannon shots rang out, sending holes into both ships. Y/n stumbled as the Pearl rocked with the impacts. Gunshots were fired from both decks as Y/n tried to find Will once more. He was at the railing, shooting and ducking as best he could. Y/n ran down the steps and into the captain's quarters, ducking, trying to stay alive.

"We're not gonna make it!" Gibbs shouted! Anamaria ran to Elizabeth and pressed the barrel of a pistol against her head. "Then we'll give them her!" 

"She's not what they're after!" Will shouted above the noise, lowering his gun. "I am."

"Will-" Elizabeth protested. He put a hand to his neck and his eyes widened when he realized there was something missing. The medallion. 

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