Chapter 2

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It had been two days since you last saw Will. Two full days. You couldn't remember the last time you went this long without seeing him. You were still upset with him, but more disappointed than mad. Why would he kiss Elizabeth? It was out of his control. No, it wasn't. He could have avoided that situation completely! But there was nothing you could do about it right now. If Will chose her over you, so be it. It's his decision after all, but you sill loved him. Would it be worthwhile to tell him how you felt? But during the last ten months, you were sure that he felt the same way, too. How could you have been so wrong? And Elizabeth of all people?!

But what were you doing? Wallowing in your sorrow as the world went on around you. What could you do, was the better question. Well, you could at least get out of the house and try to enjoy a walk through the streets of Port Royal. You brushed your hair into a simple twist bun, tied it with a light pink ribbon, and put on the new dress you had saved up to get last spring. It was a light shade of mint which complemented you ribbon perfectly. You put on your black shoes and walked out the creaky door. As soon as you opened it, the sunlight hit your face. It was a tiny bit breezy, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The ocean looked bluer than ever and you could tell that through all that had happened, it was going to be an alright day. 

You were sorely mistaken.

You walked around Port Royal for a grand total of fifteen minutes before becoming bored with the lack of activity. There were only a few stalls open in the market and there was a surprisingly small number of ships in the port. But there was one place you could think of that would not bore you to death: the top of the hill.
But you couldn't go back there, that was a spot for you and Will and with you being disappointed in him, that would only make things worse for your emotional state. But maybe it would be relaxing, maybe it was what you truly needed right now. Maybe.


As you walked silently up the foothill to the peak, you heard something unfamiliar to you. Voices? Maybe someone else found this place. That's odd, no one's known about this for ten months. Was it Will? No, the sounds were definitely female. You feet suddenly felt heavy and your chest began to tighten as you continued walking, but as you reached the top, you were rendered utterly speechless.
It was Will with Elizabeth... on a date.

They hadn't noticed you yet, as the wind was stronger and louder at the top, so you could just turn around and walk away unnoticed. But you didn't. You needed to make Will feel guilty about this. I mean, you two were in the middle of a fight over this girl, and he's still going on a date with her? Did your friendship really not matter to him as much as you thought it did? You kicked a rock just loudly enough for them to hear. You saw Will's head turn and look at you, making eye contact for a fraction of a second before you took off running down the hill. Tears stung your eyes as you ran through the nearly deserted streets of Port Royal all the way home.

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