Chapter 12

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That night, you, Jack, Will, and Mister Gibbs were able to find two vacant rooms at a local inn. The plan was for Jack and Gibbs to share one room, while you and Will shared the other. After parting ways at around 10 o'clock, you and Will walked in complete silence to your room, worries flying through your head so fast, they were nearly impossible to catch. 

Would there be multiple beds? What if there was only one? Will and I couldn't share it, right? Imagine how badly my reputation could be ruined if anyone found out? What would happen then? Would it go in the newspapers? I can almost see the headline: Cousin of the Commodore in Bed With Poor Blacksmith Boy.

But on the other hand, Will is the man I love. So would it actually be that bad? I've never shared a bed with anyone before. But if I wad going to, it would be with Will, right?

At this point, you and Will had walked up two flights of stairs and were in a hallway with doors on either side, the signs with numbers on them rusted and old. You walked, occasionally glancing at Will, until the two of you came to an abrupt stop at the last door on the right. You slid the dull key you were given into the barely functioning lock and turned it, a scratching sound coming out of the lock. The door opened, revealing the dirtiest room you had ever laid eyes on, and that's saying something. There were literal piles of dirt on the floor and it reeked of liquor and vomit. There was one bed that had a massive bloodstain on the corner of it and an overstuffed armchair that was nearly ripped to shreds. You grabbed instinctively for the dolphin pendant around your neck.

Indignantly, you turned to Will and asked, "We're supposed to sleep... here?"

After pausing for a second, he said, "You take the bed, I'll take the floor." You walked around him to look him in the eyes and asked, "Are you sure? I mean- Will-"

"Yes. Have a good sleep. Well, as good as you can in here." He smiled slightly, causing you to do the same. You gave him a kiss square on the lips before sitting down on the bed as he found a relatively clean spot to sleep on the floor.

As sleep began to take you, you closed your eyes and swore that Will would never have to sleep on a floor ever again.

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