Chapter 19

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You sat in the captain's quarters on the Black Pearl along with Jack and Barbossa. Jack was pacing around the room and Barbossa was angrily disagreeing with every word he said.

"You expect me to stand on an island with you on my ship and a name with only your word that it's the one I need?"

"No." Jack turned to the pirate. "I expect you to be standing on an island as I sail away on my ship and I will yell the name back to you."

Barbossa rolled his eyes, but frankly, you didn't care. You were numb. Will had just abandoned you after telling you on multiple occasions that he loved you. Your first thought was that you didn't care what  happened to him. But you realized the only one you were lying to was yourself. He may have stopped loving you, but you would never stop loving him. You just wanted him to be safe. And here you were in a room, with two pirates deciding his fate. But even if Barbossa knew his name, how was he supposed to find Will? Maybe he would still be safe.

As the two men continued to barter, a tear ran down your face and fell on your dress. More kept coming. You silently cried as everything that had happened finally sunk in. Will had left you for Elizabeth and you were stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean with two pirates bartering for his life. Or rather, his death.

You looked up, realizing the two men had stopped talking and were staring at you. You wiped your eyes and hastily got up. You walked out of the cabin and up to the bow of the ship, Jack and Barbossa's eyes following you in confusion. You sat down in front of the rail, watching the boat move through the water. Your tears continued, trickling down your cheeks. Was Will safe? Was he already dead? Could he ever love you again? Was there a chance of things going back to the way they were? Would you want them to?

"Captain, we're coming up on the Interceptor." A large crew member came to the door. Jack grabbed your hand and squeezed past the man, pulling you to the railing. He pulled out his telescope and looked at the ship. You grabbed it from him and examined the deck. Will was there, sending out orders and pointing at the crew. They were getting ready to fight.

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