Chapter 28

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Will's POV:

We had won. But it felt like the farthest thing from victory. The pain I was feeling was greater than I had ever experienced before. I finally got her back, only to lose her. Jack stood silently a few paces behind me and though he would never admit it, I could hear him crying. But while his were reserved, my tears flowed out. The paddling of oars and then footsteps on the shore echoed from somewhere in the cave. I saw Elizabeth approaching, her face paling once she saw Y/n on the ground. She was still in my arms. It felt like if I kept holding onto her, she would come back. But she wouldn't; couldn't. I lost her. Forever.

I slid the dagger out of her cold dead hands, raising it to my neck. I closed my eyes as more tears spilled out and almost went through with it, but Jack stopped me. "Y/n wouldn't want you to do that mate."

He was right; but it didn't mean it wasn't still appealing. I would get to see her again. Still, I put back the dagger. I knew from that moment on that after I got back home, I would never step foot on a ship ever again. Because I knew it was my fault. I was the reason she was gone.

I had wanted to save Elizabeth and dragged her with me. I was the one who didn't stop; who broke her heart; and who got her killed. I picked up the dagger once more, watching the blade glint in the moonlight. I put it down and gently lay Y/n's body on the cave floor. I walked a few feet away, passing Jack, and picked up Y/n's sword; the one I made for her. The hilt was braided, made smaller to fit her small hands. I touched the steel blade, brushing away corroded dirt my the hilt where the inscription was. 

In times of trouble, I will always be by your side.

A metaphor. The sword would be by her side, as would I, sometimes indirectly. Jack walked up behind me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, as did Elizabeth. I shrugged them off, walking back to Y/n. I slid her sword into my sheath, picking up Y/n bridal style. The only time I ever imagined doing it was at our wedding, now something that would never take place. Silently, Jack and Elizabeth followed me into the boats and out of the caves. Norrington's face fell, then hardened as he saw Y/n's body. Calling it a corpse would make it all too real. We all boarded the ship, myself laying Y/n's body down in the captain's quarters. 

The trip back to Port Royal was in silence, but at least it was short. The familiar wind greeted the ship as we docked. I carried Y/n off the ship once more. I knew where she would want to be burried. On my way there, Jack whispered in my ear, "I know a way we can still save her."

I stopped in my tracks, "Anything."

"I know someone, but we'd have to escape to get there. And commandeer a ship."

I took a hard look at the pirate to see that he was completely serious.

"Let's go."

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