Chapter 24

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You woke up the next morning to the putrid stench of smoke and burning alcohol. I stood up slowly on the beach, seeing Elizabeth toss a barrel into a burning pile and watching it explode. Jack ran to her, yelling, "No! Not good! What are you doing!?" She walked over to him as you approached them. 

"Yes, the rum is gone." Elizabeth said, gazing out to the horizon. 

"Why is the rum gone?" Jack questioned as you rolled your eyes.

"One because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels-"

"And two," You cut in, "She's the daughter of the governor. Do you really think the Royal British Navy isn't looking for her? That's a huge smoke signal. There's no way anyone will miss it. They'll be coming."

"But why is the rum gone?" Jack asked once more, not caring about the explanation he was just given.

"Just you wait, Captain Sparrow. Give it one hour, maybe two, and you'll see white sails on the horizon."

Jack did the math in his head. Government plus pirates equals hanging. His face grew dark as you laughed. That being said, you were in trouble too. You had no idea what the commodore would do to you once he found you. There was a good chance you would never see Will again, if he wasn't dead already. You prayed that he wasn't for even though he had betrayed you, you never wished for his death. At least, not more than once.

Jack pulled out the pistol with the single shot, debating what he should do with it for a second before he shoved it back in his pants. He took off mumbling, mocking you and Elizabeth as he strode down the beach. You sat down next to Elizabeth on the coarse sand.

She turned her head around to look at you. "I see why Will loves you."

"What do you mean? He chose you when given the chance."

"Yes, but he doesn't love, let alone like me. You're the one he wants. I'm sorry I've been so hot headed around you."

You snorted, annoyed that she was lying to you yet again.

"I mean it. I guess I just always saw you as a threat so when you got what I wanted, I- well..."

"Got yourself kidnapped, took the man I loved, and almost got him blown up?"

She laughed at her own stupidity as you looked out onto the sea, sitting next to her in silence. As she predicted, white sails approached us. Soon enough, the boat weighed anchor and sent a small rowboat out to the island.

She stood up, delighted that the British had arrived for what seemed to be the first time in history. They quickly loaded the three of us onto the dinghy, rowing us back to the ship.

"We need to save Will!" Elizabeth shouted at the Governor as you nodded in agreement.

"No!" Elizabeth's father yelled back, turning his attention to his daughter. "You're safe now. We will return to Port Royal immediately. We will not go gallavanting after pirates."

"With all due respect, sir, he's no pirate. And if we do nothing, we condemn him to death!" You shouted indignantly, hoping your outburst wouldn't land you in the brig.

"The boy's fate is regrettable, but then so is his decision to engage in piracy."

"And so is yours." My cousin spat at me as he gestured for one of the crew members to hold your hands behind your back.

"I did it to save him." I snarled at the commodore. "And we did it to save Elizabeth! Although that part wasn't my decision."

"If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion." Jack asked, "The Pearl was listing after the battle. It's very unlikely she'll be able to make good time. Think about it. The Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate." You rolled your eyes at him. He ignored  you and returned his attention to the commodore. "How can you pass that up, eh?"

"By remembering that I serve others, mister Sparrow, not only myself. Let Miss Y/n go. She will be pardoned. The pirate will not." He snipped as he walked away form the three of you.

"Commodore, I beg you, please do this. For me." The man stopped in his tracks as Elizabeth followed him. "As a wedding gift."

He hastily turned around as your eyes widened. Wedding? 

"Elizabeth?" The Governor asked, "Are you accepting the commodore's proposal?" His face lit up.

"I am." She said.

Jack, in shackled, said, "Wedding? I love weddings! Drinks all around!" Your cousin smiled as he said, "Mister Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase, 'silent as the grave'. Y/n, you will stay silent on the deck and if you dare attempt to escape, you will experience a swift demise." You nodded as Jack was taken away.

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