Chapter 27

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Jack studied the golden statues, trying to find which one would fetch the most coin.

"I must admit Jack," Barbossa said, Will standing, arms tied, beside him, "I thought I had you figures out." You stood about twenty feet from Will, waiting. Just waiting. "But it turns out you're a hard man to predict." Barbossa continued.

"Me?" Jack answered, "I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid." Jack took a sword from one of Barbossa's men, pushing the handle into the pirate and pushing him into the water. You ran, grabbing your weapons from the pile on the floor as Jack tossed a sword to Will. He caught it, pushing Barbossa and freeing himself. Jack and Barbossa began to fight, the sounds of their swords echoing through the caves. Running over to join Will, you stabbed one pirate and helped Will fend off the other. Will swung his sword with expert precision, while you slashed it at the men and kicked their legs out from beneath them. You glanced over to Jack, who was slowly but steadily being forced back by Barbossa. As the pirates pushed you and Will back to back, a beam of moonlight appeared, one of them stepping under it. As the light touched him, his face became a skull with ribbons of rotting flesh. The two of you flinched back at his gruesome appearance, but ignored it and kept fighting.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here, there be monsters." Barbossa snarled at Jack as he pushed him away.

Will swung his sword, defending for the both of you, for something had caught your attention. Jack stabbed his sword into Barbossa. But nothing happened. Jack did it again. Still nothing. Barbossa sighed,  suddenly pulling the sword out of him and pushing it into Jack. "No!" You shouted. The pirates continued to close in on you and Will.

Jack stumbled back into another beam of moonlight and you paled at the sight. The same thing that had happened to the first pirate was happening to Jack!

His skin turned to nothing more than rotting ribbons and he became a skeleton. Barbossa's face contorted in confusion. "Couldn't resist mate." Jack said, flipping a gold coin between his fingers. That brilliant bastard.

Will continued to fight, pushing the pirates away from you as you readied your sword once more. Jack and Barbossa continued dueling as you and Will did your best to fend off the pirates. Cannon shots and screams could be heard from outside the caves, sending a chill through your spine. You and Will continued fighting, as did Jack and Barbossa. "I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain!" A pirate had backed both you and Will into a mound of gold, the both of you having fallen to the ground. But you reached into your boot, pulling out a long wickedly curved dagger. Rolling to the side, you sliced the pirate's leg, then brought the knife down through his skull. Will looked at you amazed as you fought the other pirates while he found his sword again.

The pirates retreated into a far corner, leaving you and Will alone for the time being. You watched as Jack and Barbossa dueled each other, swords clanging loudly. But the pirates came back and you continued to fight them, your energy running low. You and Will found a long golden curtain rod and shoved it through the three pirates. They were stuck with nowhere to go. You lunged to the rights, grabbing a bomb, lighting it, and pushed it into the pirate in the middle. Running away from them, the bomb went off, their singed clothes falling around them. Running over, Jack tossed Will his medallion and Will stood over the chest, ready to return it. But then, a shot rang out. Barbossa put his pistol away again.

You looked down.

Blood poured out of you as the agony took over. "No!" Will shouted, abandoning the chest and running over to catch you before you fell to the ground. "No." Jack whispered, frozen in place. Will reached you just as you collapsed, you vision blurring around the edges. "Will-" You managed to get out.

"I'm here. I'm here, Y/n." He took your hand pressing in against his cheek. Tears began dripping down his face.

A second shot sounded. Will looked up, as did you, and saw that Jack had fired at Barbossa.

But you should have died by now. Why weren't you dead?

A beam of moonlight emerged over you and transformed you. The same this that happened to Jack was happening. To you.

Will looked at you, confusion contorting his face. "Wha-"

He was cut off as Barbossa said, "Ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot."

Jack must've slipped a piece of the gold to you without you knowing. The pain almost disappearing suddenly, you stood up, taking Will's hand. You had figured out Jack's plan. As soon as the gold was returned, Barbossa would die of the bullet wound. But-

So would you.

Will came to the same conclusion, stepping in front of you. "No. No!"

"I have to."

"But Y/n-"

"It doesn't matter. We have to do this." He opened his mouth to continue, but was cut off as you sliced his hand with your dagger. "I'm sorry, Will." You took his medallion, dropping it into the chest. You did the same with yours. All that was left was Jack's.

He ran over to you, cutting his palm, and dropped the gold into the chest, premature grief flashing on his face before he looked away. Barbossa's shirt turned red with blood as he fell. He was dead. 

"I love you Will." 

"I love you too. More than you will ever know, Y/n." More tears fell onto his cheeks. You crumbled to the ground as your heart stopped.

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