Chapter 3

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You just put a loaf of bread in the oven when the door to your bakery opened, letting a warm breeze in for a second before it closed once more.  You walked around the corner, revealing none other than William Turner. "Y/n, I really am sorry."
"You definitely have a lot to be sorry for right now. You promised that spot would only be for us. You promised. And you were off with Elizabeth when we were supposed to spend the day together. This isn't okay anymore. I may be acting selfish right now, but you are my best friend! You're supposed to put in the effort to make our friendship last!" Your hands began to tremble as your voice broke. Tears welled in your eyes as you said in nothing more than a whisper, "Does our friendship even matter to you anymore?" The heartache Will was causing you was unbearable.

Then, without a word from Will, he swept you into his arms and kissed you gently, but passionately. It took you a second to realize what was happening, but you kissed back softly. You had hoped you would be Will's first kiss and that he would be yours, but only half of that dream came true. "Will-" You opened your mouth to say something more, but Will cut you off.
"Please, Y/n. I can't stand seeing you unhappy, especially with me. I'm so sorry. I care about our friendship so much.. I don't know what I would do without you."
You opened your mouth to speak , but you couldn't find the words after what had just happened. You closed your mouth again.
"Please say something. Y/n.  Anything."
"Oh, Will. It's alright." Your tone lightened as you said, "Just never do anything like that again."
"But there's one more thing. If you kissed Elizabeth and you kissed me, where does your heart lie?"
"Did you really think I was the one who kissed her? My heart lies in the same place it always has: with you."
A tear dripped down your cheek and you felt Will's rough but gentle thumb wipe it away from where he had cupped your face. He tilted his head the slightest bit and lifted your lips to his, kissing you deeply, and sending warmth rippling through your body. "Y/n, as much as you mean to me, Elizabeth is still my friend, but I promise that I will always put you first."
"Then you two better not share anymore kisses."
"I promise. I will never let you go. You mean the world to me, Y/n." Will said just before he pulled you into another kiss.


That night, you lay down in your small bed thinking about Will. Was he thinking about you right now? Did he truly love you? Or was this just what would come before love? You rotated the dolphin pendant in your fingers. You made him promise not to spend time with Elizabeth romantically, that was now designated to you. Though you still disapproved of their friendship, there was nothing you could do about it without violating Will's free will. And all you really wanted was for him to be happy. As you pulled the thin sheets over your head and blew out the candle you had lit beside you, you heard the unmistakable sound of a cannon shot. Something was coming.

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