Chapter 22

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Hey! So it's back to second person now.

"What?! You promised that we'd go free!" Elizabeth shouted, indignantly. 

"Fortunately for me, Mr. Turner did not specify when or where." Barbossa chuckled as some of the crew drew their swords. Your group was slowly being pushed towards the plank. The other option was being impaled, and that was the least preferable option.

"Alright mate, let the crew stay in the brig and you can toss me off instead." Jack suggested. It was surprisingly unselfish for him.

"I'll take that. But these two," Barbossa pointed and you and Elizabeth with his sword before he continued on, "Go with you."

Panic began flooding my system. Shit shit shit shit shit! Jack sauntered up to the plank and dove off into the deep sea. A few seconds later, he resurfaced and began to swim towards the nearest land mass: an island. "Which one of you whores will be first, then?"

A large crew member grabbed Elizabeth's wrists and pulled her to the plank. She screamed. "Let go of me! Get your hands off of me!" She pushed against the brute, but was unsuccessful. Soon enough, the tips of her feet met the end of the board. She screamed again as she was pushed into the freezing water. Landing with a splash, she began swimming in the same direction as Jack, but with significantly more difficulty due to her dress. The crew member walked towards you, stopping a couple feet away. "Fine." you said. But you weren't about to make the same mistake she made, even if the cost was utter and complete humiliation, it was a hell of a lot better than drowning. You looked down at the ground and undid the back of your dress. As the crew got excited, you cringed and let the dress fall to the ground, leaving you in your corset and underskirt. You put one foot in front of the other until you reached the plank. As a sword was brought to your back, you bunched your skirt together, holding it down as you jumped.

The cold water felt like a knife against your skin. You pulled yourself to the surface and slowly began swimming in the same direction as Jack and Elizabeth, towards the island, trying not to think about what could be just under the surface or what would happen to Will. All you had to focus on at the moment was getting to land.

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