Chapter 13

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The next morning, after a rather uncomfortable night (although you knew Will had it worse than you) you and Will met up with Jack and Mister Gibbs at the docks. As you walked towards them, you noticed a line of people, who were what you assumed to be the new crew. A line of sailors stood on the docks, Jack and Gibbs walking past them. They noticed you and Will and waved for you to come over. Jack looked unsure about it all, like they may not cut it for him, while Gibbs was smiling proudly at who he found. You glanced skeptically at Will who just shrugged and you walked over, leaving a great amount of distance between you and the men.

Jack and Gibbs had stopped at one of them, and now that you were close enough, you could hear what they were saying. "Is it my understanding that you have no objections to piracy, raiding, and potential demise? Mister..."

"This is mister Cotton, sir," Gibbs said to Jack, "He... his tongue got pulled out, so he trained his parrot to talk for him." Cotton opened his mouth and showed the inside to Jack who visibly cringed and stuck his tongue out slightly. Jack's motives always perplexed you.

"Mister Cotton's parrot," He said, glancing at the colorful bird on the sailor's shoulder, "Same question."
"Ready to sail! Squak!" He replied.
"We figure that typically means yes." Gibbs said as they continued down the line.
"Did that parrot just say squak?" You asked Will, giggling. He shrugged his shoulders and suppressed a laugh as one of the sailors yelled out, asking "And what will we get as payment?"

Jack walked down the line, his steps now deliberate. He stopped at one sailor who was wearing a large hat, but other than that, they were unassuming. Their hand came up and pulled off the hat revealing a woman. She had brown skin and pleasant facial features. She reached out and slapped Jack across the face without hesitation. Jack's head snapped back and Will, who was behind him next to you at this point in time, asked, "And I assume you didn't deserve that one either?"
"No, that one I deserved mate." He said.

"You stole my boat!" The woman yelled at him.
"Borrowed! Borrowed without permission." She gave him a withering glare, and Will piped up, "He'll get you another boat."
"Another boat!" Jack agreed.
"A better boat."
"A better boat!" Jack said, less enthusiastically.
"That boat." Will pointed to the interceptor and Jack's mouth dropped open like a codfish.
"That boat?" He said indignantly, appalled by the idea.
"You better." The woman said. By now, you were practically bursting at the seems trying to hold in your giggles.

Gibbs raised his hand and was about to say something, but his face gave his statement away. You had heard the suspicions already and you weren't about to hear them again. "Mister Gibbs, if you say that it's bad luck to bring a woman on board, so help me I will-"
"Thank you, that's enough, Y/n." Jack said.

You boarded the boat, hand in hand with Will, as the anchor lifted and the sails filled with wind. The Interceptor started sailing away from Tortuga. Destination: an island impossible to find except by those who already know where it is.

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