Fight and flight

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^^Her outfit for today

Natalias POV
The morning was pretty much boring, i had nothing to do, nobody to talk too, and i was getting hungry. I stayed on the couch watching adventure time, i was on the verge of going to sleep until the someone knocked at the door. Im alone, should i open the door?...nah.

I laid back down on the couch but they knocked again, fucking cunt burger. I dug under the couch looking for the weapons Lucas hid. I lifted the cushion and saw a glock, why not take it.

I tucked the gun on my waist. I walked to the door and opened it...Jane stood at the door, "Lucas isn't here so if you would please leave." As i was closing the door it came to an abrupt stop.

Janes foot was blocking the door from closing, she pushed the door open, "Didn't come here to see him, i came to see you." Jane closed the door and locked it, the fuck is going on. "Lets talk." I gave her a fake grin, if she wanna fight im down because i was dying to beat her ass the day i saw her. "I don't want you hanging around Lucas anymore."

"..." i bursted into laughter, shes gotta be kidding me, ain't no pussy bitch finna scare me out my shoes. Before i could speak again, she pulled a gun on me, "If you want your life, i advise you listen bitch." I looked at her and back at the gun, i jumped and raised my leg high enough to kick the gun. As i landed back on my feet, she threw a punch my way. I dodged the blow, she used her other hand and punched my in my face. She throws one hell of a punch, i kneed her in the stomach. She hunched over and i took the chance to punch her twice. I took my gun out but she swatted it out my hand, she round house kicked me and i fell on the floor. I heard scattering, i crawled to my gun.

I turned back around and she stood over me gun in hand. We both cocked our gun and glared at each other.

Bang! BANG!

Lucas POV
Jung and i tossed bags out of the trunk, we threw drug bags on the boat. "Money?" I sighed, the guard nodded his head and walked towards the boat. He came back with two body bags, Jung checked the bag. He nodded his head, "Pleasure doing business with you, it's unfortunate that your boss couldn't meet with me." I grabbed one bag as Jung grabbed the other we loaded the car and drove off.

"So you and the angel? Whats up with that Lucas?" I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, shes just a...worker?" I sounded unsure with my own sentence, Jung sucked his teeth.

"I call bullshit, a worker that you occasionally take out on dates and fuck." He snickered, "I'll be waiting for my nieces and nephews." I wanna throat punch this son of a bitch so bad. We finally got to the house, something seemed off. "Why is Janes car here?" Jung groaned, i cursed under my breath. I left Natalia unguarded, how could I be so careless.

We rushed out the car, guns in hand. We ran to the door, "she locked the fucking door." I grunted, i kicked it down. "Oh god." Jung mumbled, Jane laid on the floor. She laid in her own pool of blood, her face a had cuts, and her lip busted. There was a trail of blood leading upstairs. "Natalia!?" I called out her name yet there was no answer.

I ran upstairs and followed the blood splats, the blood continued through a cracked door. I opened the door and pointed my gun. Someones foot laid beside the bed, "Natalia?!" I dropped my gun and ran to her side. she had a bullet wound on her side, I held her in my arms. "Jung call the fucking doctor!" I yelled, I heard his footsteps run upstairs. He stopped at the door as he stared at Natalia then back at me. "Call the fucking doctor!" I repeated, He dug in his pocket.

As Jung spoke on the phone, all i could think about was natalia. This is my fault again, i cant lose another. I felt a cold grip on my hands, "Lucas?" I looked down, Natalia's eyes opened. "Natalia, stay with me. The doctor is coming okay? Just don't fall asleep, eyes on me okay?" She nodded her head.

"I thought i was gonna die here...alone. Is she dead?" Her voice soft, "Yea, shouldn't have anything to worry about." I replied back.

"Im tired Lucas, i need rest." I shook my head, "No, stay with me." She looked at me and smiled, "i'll do anything just stay with me, shook her head and the grip on my hands fell. Her eyes closed slowly, "Love you and don't forget it." Her voice came out in a whisper, her eyes closed, "Natalia, this isn't funny."

I shook her body and she didn't answer, i lost her. she dead or is she alive? Ion know buds, janes dead now. To bad she only showed in two chapters, well then.

Until then goodnight❤️🥰

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