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Lucas POV
Yesterday was an eventful day, i returned home, Mika and Dan date, My kitten took over, and I've been gone for two months. I was downstairs with Mon, we were talking about yesterday. Mon was cooking breakfast for us and getting Natalia her morning snack, she likes to eat hot Cheetos now. "Lucas, T has been through alot since you were gone, she had nightmares of you getting killed over and over. Every dream was of you dying in her arms, she felt as if you getting hurt was her fault. We've all gotten closer, were like a family. Don't hurt her." Mon said, "Can you take these up to T?" Mon handed my a chip bag and yogurt, "Wont this make her sick?" I asked, "Nah, she can tolerate it." He laughed.

The fuck is funny about that, I went upstairs and went to the room. I knocked on the door, she didn't answer. "Natalia?" She didn't answer, i opened the door. Natalia wasn't in bed. "Natalia!?" I ran to her bed and put the chips on her bed, "In here." I heard her voice come from the bathroom.

She had her arms rested on the toilet seat and her head in her hands, "Kitten, are you okay?" She nodded her head, "Just a stomach flu." She mumbled, she hovered her head over the toilet seat and threw up. I rubbed her on her back, "Just let it all out." She continued to throw up for 5 more minutes.

"Ill get you some clothes, Take a cold shower or bath. Ill be back." She got undressed and ran bath water, her body still amazes me. I left the bathroom and grabbed changes of clothes and the snacks Mon gave me. When i returned in the bathroom she was sitting in the tub, "Set it on the sink." She said, i put the clothes on the sink, "Hungry?"

She nodded and held her hand out, I gave her the chips. "Wheres the yogurt?" She asked, i grabbed the yogurt and handed it to her. She opened the bag and yogurt.

Did she just dip the fucking chip in the yogurt?

I thought to myself, She literally ate that shit. I looked at her eat, "Wont that make the stomach flu worse?" I asked, "What stomach flu?" She questioned.

Natalia's POV
Lucas was in the bathroom watching me sit in the tub eating, he looked deep in thought when I started to eat. "Wont that make the stomach flu worse?" He question, Stomach flu? "What stomach flu?" I asked, what is he talking about?

We looked at each other, "Oh no, i'll be fine." Im so fucking stupid, "Are guys alright? Mon and Mika seem to be hiding something, you also seem off? Like something changed." He asked, "Its nothing." I said, Im such a bad liar.

Lucas POV
She is such a bad liar, I can tell shes lying. "Alright." I said, Im gonna find out what shes hiding. "Natalia, you remember the day of the attack." I asked, she nodded her head. "I was shot, when she took you guys i was laying there bleeding out. I wanted to help but i could i felt week, I remember walking but i don't remember where I was walking. I blacked out then woke yo the same place I blacked out at but i was healed. That was two weeks ago." She didn't say anything, "I didn't know i was gone for two months." She crumpled the bag of ships and threw it to the sink, she ate the remaining of her yogurt and threw it at the sink. She drained the water and stood up.

"All that matter is that, your okay and healthy? Whoever or whatever took care of you, I thank them." She dried off and got dressed.

Natalia's POV
At least i know what happened to him. I need to tell him soon, I feel like he didn't believe me. I wonder what Mon and Mika said or did that made him suspicious.

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