The visit #2

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Natalia's POV
"Thank you for saving my daughter and bringing her back to us, but i have to ask. How did this happen? And whose baby is that?" Pa asked, "This is my son, Tim." Lucas answered, "I met Lucas after I escaped, I was laying in an alleyway unconscious and losing blood but I'm fine now, i prefer not to talk about it." I sighed, "Im glad your okay, i can see he's been taking care of you i see. You've gained weight and you have this glow about you." Pa responded, momma agreed. Their onto me, "Mom studied me for a bit, "Ill order pizza then we can talk." She walked to the kitchen and called a pizza place. My father stood and told us he'll be right back. I sat with Lucas, "You have nothing to worry about." Lucas whispered, "I know, but i think mom is onto us about my pregnancy." I sighed.

"Don't forget my mom was also pregnant at some point, she knows pregnant when she sees it." I laughed, he kissed the top of my head. "If she knows, we can just tell her." Lucas said. My momma came back, "Pizza will be here in 30 minutes." She sat on another couch, "So Lucas, where's the mother of your child?"

Lucas POV
I see where she gets the straight forward thing from, "Mom, that's his personal business." Natalia cried out, "Natalia, its fine. She left the baby to me the minute she gave birth. She didn't wanna raise a child she couldn't love." I replied, "Im sorry to hear that." Rosetta said, "Its fine, the day I got to know your daughter was the day i was happy again." Natalia and her momma awed, "What did i miss?" Henry came back downstairs holding a thick binder, "Pa, nooooo. Put it back." Natalia groaned, "This is your first boyfriend you brought here, i have to take it for granted and embarrass you." He laughed, i must be her first everything.

Henry put the book on the table and opened it on the first page, "The day Rose gave birth to little Talia." A picture of kittens mom was holding natalia in her arms, the next page was Natalia sleeping in her crib. "Aw, look at how adorable you are?"

"Natalia would do this thing where she would sleep with her nose scrunched up, it was so cute." In the book we could literally see natalia grow up, to her first birthday all the way too the 18th.After the 18th, the pictures ended. We laughed at some memories, the door bell ringed, "ill get it." Henry stood up and walked to the door, "Now that your father is out of site i need you both to answer this positively and honestly. Did you impregnate my daughter?" How upfront can this lady get? "Don't tell dad." Natalia whined, "Alright, i feel like your hiding something else but i wont bother ask." Rosetta laughed, the father came back with the pizza. Tim woke up, "Pa." he held his arms out towards me, I picked him up and sat him on my lap.

I took his teddy from the bag and handed it too him, he hugged it before he started swinging it in the air like a mad baby-man. "He's so adorable." Rosetta smiled, "How old are you?" Henry asked, "Im 24." I responded, "What do you do for a living?" Think Lucas think, "I own a sells business and i do teach combat fighting." Nice save, "Are you from here?" Rosetta asked, "No, originally from Korea. Moved to the US to expand." I smiled, Expand my drug business.

We finished eat, I fed Tim and he eventually fell asleep again. We talked more and got to know them as they got to know me, they asked about my family. I told them parents died in a plane crash and didn't tell them anything else. Natalia told them we had to go, they want to visit us next weekend at my place. We agreed and went back to the car, "We survived." I joked, "Sorry about all the personal questions they asked." I waved it off, "Its fine, a stranger brought their daughter home and was announced as a lover i don't blame them for the questions." We drove hone exhausted, i have to take care of the girl when i get back

Another 3 hours,
We got home at 6pm, Natalia took a nap and Tim has been crying since we entered the house. "Lucas, may i talk to you for a sec?" Dr. Xin asked, i nodded my head trying to get Tim to drink from the bottle, "The girl you saved was at risk of death, she's okay. Honestly imma say it like this, this girl was fucked up. He ribs there fucked up, her heart was honestly close to death. Im surprised she survived this long, she's in the room you provided for her. Her monitors are hooked up and I believe she's awake, i think." He patted my shoulder and left, Tim finally drunk from the bottle and got quiet. I walked upstairs into the room, she was laying there tucked into the bed. Her eyes closed, I sat at the chair in the corner of my room.

She's a pretty girl, she didn't deserve the life given to her. Im glad i got there when I did, she started moving in the bed, her hands went up to her face. She groaned when she tried to sit up, "Easy there, you don't wanna open up any stitches or whatever."

"Where am I?" She asked, "Your at your new home, where people actually care about you. Well it depends on you, basically since you know who i am i cant let you go freely with killing you. You either work for me or I'm lowing your brains out? I feel like the fact I'm holding a baby makes me less intimidating." I stated, "If i work for you, will I get hurt?"

"No, i can give you an inside job if you like. Similar to a maid?" I shrugged, "Yea, Thank you for the help." She said, "Its fine, by the way if you double cross me i collect you head." I laughed, "Get rest." I left the room rocked Tim to sleep, i turned on the baby monitor and went into my room, I stripped out my clothes and flopped on the bed.

Im exhausted.

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