Many things

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Natalia's POV
We had Victoria's funeral 4 days after the accident along with everyone else. We mourned our lost, said our final goodbyes and left. We didn't want to end our day sad so Lucas gathered everyone around to 'celebrate' the luck of them leaving this harsh world we call home.

Everyone's drinking, except me of course. Talking to each other, I stayed with Lucas as he talked with Mon and Dan about new business deals he wants to make. He plans on getting more allies and getting an company of his own. Im getting bored off my ass right now so i left and went upstairs to check on Tim, i feel like the worst adoptive parent right now, who leaves a baby sleep while a party goes on downstairs, I'm supposed to be watching you.
I sat at the rocking chair next to the crib and watched him sleep.

I scratched the annoying stretch marks, that itched alot. "The party is downstairs, but i understand gotta love the babies man." I turned towards the door ready to respond but an unknown guest member stood at the door, Blondie. "How in the hell did you not get caught?"

"Im used to doing the sneak thing, it not creepy just a very stealthy skill. The members talked amongst the members about what happened after the war. Sorry about both things." He walked towards me and gave me a hug, i tensed but i patted his back. "This your kid?" He asked shocked, "babymake after babymake?" He laughed, i laughed which seemed abnormal coming from me. "No, Tim is our adoptive child." I responded, he nodded his head with his mouth open a bit. "How far along are you?"

"6 months in with what used to be triplets now twins. Do you have a family of your own?" I asked, "Yea, a beautiful wife and 4 daughters and an baby on the way." My eyes widened, and he's talking about me. This dude bout to have 5 kids. "Congrats on a HUGE family." I laughed emphasizing huge. He laughed with me, "It worth it, finally out of what i called my "job". Now i can act like a normal person and not worry about killing my family in the process." I nodded and understanding.

"Thank you for actually caring when you took me captive." He put two thumbs up, "Welcome, i have to go. Is it cool we keep in contact?" I nodded, he handed me his phone. I put my number in and then he left. Tim woke up pouting then started crying, i picked him up and I changed his diaper and went downstairs to feed him. When i walked downstairs everyone looked at me sone with smiles other with the same seriousness they always have. "What?" I nervously laughed, i walked in the kitchen and grabbed the baby food. When i turned around Lucas came into my view with Mon next to him, i raised and eyebrow as Mon handed Lucas a tiny box.

He got on one knee.

Opened the box.

And proposed!

Im crying, everyone applauded his act. "Natalia Summers, will you take the honor in marrying me?" Tears came down harder, i nodded my head. "Yes." They erupted in cheer, then I realized they planned this when they were talking about "Business."

He slid the ring on my finger and gave a kiss, they awed and went back to their business. I fed Tim and went back upstairs and continued up their.

2 months later
Blondie(Jonathan) congratulated me on the marriage, im 8 months and basically live in the bathroom. Lucas has the world on his ass right now.

.trying to plan a wedding
.trying to expand a babies room
.making business deals

"Lucas i can plan the wedding and baby room, calm your tits." He shook his head, "No, i got this." He said. "No you work on this business deals and ill get the other stuff, IM NOT TAKING NO FOR A ANSWER!" I yelled, he huffed, you cant win against a pregnant woman. I already know how i wanted the babies room, i just need to plan the wedding.

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