The Visit

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If you've ever been sexually abused by a family member or anyone of the matter I advise you skip this part because it has a scene of the category. Im not trying to offend anyone or trigger bad memories.
Lucas POV
Ever since I met Natalia, the love of my life, i began to get soft. When she got hurt it was because i let my guard down, Tim came into our life 2 or 3 months ago and my kitten is pregnant with my future heir. After the day we came back to the park I promised to let Natalia see her family again, we just needed to plan on what to do.

We don't really have a story. Natalia gave me the address and we were headed there tomorrow morning. Natalia's scared but she's excited, she thinks she can hide her pregnancy with a hoodie. She's not telling them until she's ready. I have business to handle tonight so Natalia was already in bed, I dialed Mon's number to get more information about the guy I'm going after, "Hello?"

"Mon i need info." I put on my shoes and walked out our room and into the garage. "Uhh, his name is Wilton Moore. He has a daughter, 17 years of age." He answered, "And the wife?" I asked, "Died in a accident." He replied, "Address?"

"439 Mild street." I thanked him and hung up the phone, when i got there the door was already unlocked, it was a nice house on the outside but the inside was a mess. I heard screaming and the sound of smashing glass, "Let go of me!" I heard a girls scream, "Don't you love daddy, stop being an ungrateful bitch!" I heard wilton yell, i walked further upstairs and one of the doors were open slightly. I peaked in saw something i wish i never saw, a girl laid on her back, her face bloodied and wilton was position himself between her legs.

She pleading for him to let go, before he could continue i opened the door and aimed the gun at him, "Wilton, you sick son of a bitch!" He looked up at me frightened, he fell of the bed pulling up his briefs. "Lucas, didn't expect to see you here." He mumbled, "Don't expect anything out of me." I cocked the gun, "You, get dressed. Your coming with me! Pack everything you need." She listened and grabbed a bag and started packing everything, "You cant take her from me!" Wilton yelled, I shit him in the neck. The girl yelped and started crying. Wilton looked up at me choking on his blood, "Why would you do that to your family!?"

"Lets go." I commanded, the girl cried and walked out of the room and i followed behind her. I called a guard so they could get a room ready for the girl. "Im sorry." She looked at me confused, i grabbed her body and injected her with a medicine that would numb her and out her too sleep. I carried her to the car, "What an eventful night."

The girl last night still hasn't woke up, i called Dr. Xin so he could check up on her while we were away. I told Natalia about it, she was glad I saved her but she pitied the girl because she had to choose whether to die or work with me, we hope she chooses the right thing. We packed our bags, I told Natalia I would take care of Tim for the day so she could talk to her parents. Tim was sleeping during the whole ride, Natalia looked outside as we drove by different houses and buildings. I held her hand the whole drive there.

3 hours later
Natalia rested on my shoulder asleep, we arrived at the. It looked like a comfortable family home, Flowers looked like they were planted in the yards. I tapped Natalia's shoulder, "Natalia, were here." She sat up and took deep breaths, "Im nervous." I kissed her hand, "Relax." She got out the car and adjusted her sweater hiding her stomach, I got out the car and went to the back door. I unbuckled Tim and took out the carseat, Tim was still sleeping. I grabbed the baby bag and walked up the steps with Natalia.

She knocked twice, "Coming." I heard a male's voice call out, we heard footsteps and the door open. "Im home." Natalia's voice cracked as she wiped her eyes, the man looked shock. He still hasn't noticed I'm here, "Honey, come here he called out." Is everyone in her family short? A lady who looked like Natalia came to the door, she cried.

"My baby, i thought you wouldn't come back!" They gave Natalia big hug, "Who is the gentleman?" Her mother asked, "Where's my manners? come in and have a seat." Natalia walked in and I followed behind her. We sat in the living room, there were many photos of them amongst the walls. The house smelled like vanilla, so this is where she grew up.

"Would you like anything son?" The dad asked, "No sir, but thank you." I answered, "Call me Henry, I'm not that old." He laughed, we laughed along with him. "Momma, papa, this is my boyfriend and also the guy who saved me. Lucas, these are my parents."

"Nice to finally meet you." I smiled, "Call me Rosetta." She smiled. Such lovely people, how did they give birth to a stubborn child.

"Thank you for saving my daughter and bringing her back to us, but i have to ask. How did this happen? And whose baby is that?" Henry asked.

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