Chapter 9.

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Ashton's POV

I cant believe myself! I should have been paying attention to her! How come this one night I don't? God dammit ash!

Fucking stupid!

How do I loose the love of my life like this? If I loved her I should've been with her and watching her all damn night!

Calum's POV

She's really pretty. Well, more like she's beautiful. Yeah! That's it, she's beautiful. But damn is she scary as hell.

I know I'm a real dick to her, but damn do I like her, a lot. I have since I first saw her.

Mikey's POV

I don't remember much from last night, but I do remember coming home with a girl. And the more I think about it, I feel like that girl was Kayla.

Ashton's going to flip out and kill everyone, especially me. But I have to tell him, that's the least I could do for ruining his relationship.

Luke's POV

If Audrey's suspicions are correct, than we got a huge ass problem on our plate. Plus, some shits going to go down with Calum and Marisa.

I think we should re-name our band 5 seconds of no drama. Yeah, that seems to fit perfectly.

Audrey's POV

As we drove through the city, we stopped and asked people if they've seen Kayla, we showed them a picture and everything.

"I really hope nothing bad happened," as we stopped at a red light, Luke's phone rung.

"Hey Ash," he said cautiously.

"Wait, what do you mean she left?!" Luke shouted as he looked at shocked and worriedly.

"Okay, call and tell everyone to meet up at the hotel, stay calm okay? Okay Ash, bye," hanging up he sighed before he did a U turn and headed back to the house.


"Is everyone here?" Mikey asked as Luke and I walked through the door.

"No, where's Marisa and Cal?" Luke asked worriedly.

"I don't know," Ash said solemnly as he sulked on the couch.

"Aw, Ash," I sad as I wrapped my arms around him as he started to cry silently.

"We're here!" Marisa shouted as she burst through the door.

"Where were you?" I asked as I looked at her.

"StarBucks!" Marisa said as she took a drink.

"How did you pay for it?" Because I know Marisa doesn't carry cash or a wallet.

Marisa grinned as she pulled out a black leather wallet with a red skull on it.

"Hey!" Calum shouted as he tried to grab it, "that's mine!"

She tossed it back at him as he glared at her. Starring at the pair, I couldn't help but ship them.

"Anyone want to say what's on everyone's mind?" Luke asked sadly.

Mikey stood up and starred at Ashton sadly. Oh dear god this isn't going to be good.

"Ash," he whispered quietly.

"Last night, we were all really drunk, and, I came home before everyone. And I think K-Kayla and I may have had... s-s-sex," I could see the tears ready to fall from Mikey's eyes.

He didn't know it was Kayla and Kayla didn't stop Mikey either. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mikey wouldn't do something like that on purpose.

"Why you fuc-" Ashton got up ready to punch Mikey when Marisa put both hands on his chest and held him back.

"Don't you even dare," she growled.

You may think she has a crush on Mikey but she doesn't. Her younger brother was in the same situation and nearly died, so she's standing up for Mikey. While the rest of us watch.

"Move," Ashton said as he tried shoving her out of the way.

"No," he raised his hand, as if to hit her.

"Bring it down. I dare you," she sneered knowing he wouldn't.

He looked at her sadly before lowering his hand and falling to his knees in front of her. We all heard silent sobs from him. Marisa kneeled down in front of him and held him as he cried against her shoulder.

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