Chapter 29.

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Last chapter before epilogue!

Audrey's POV

As we got to the airport, Marisa and I slowly made our way out of the cab and walked towards the check in.

"Aren't you dating Calum Hood?" some girl asked Marisa.

She only shook her head, keeping the same expression as she had the whole car ride.


She didn't have any specific expression. It was like a dark void.

"It'll be okay," I said as we walked down towards a small restaurant called Pasta House.

As we sat and waited for the boys, I tried getting Marisa to talk, but it was useless. She was leaving the only place she called home, and this is were she met Calum.

"Marisa," I asked I as I pat her shoulder and I saw the ring.

"Nothing is going to happen. You and Calum will see each other in a year and you'll get married." I said.

"How do you know?" she asked sadly.

I lifted her hand and showed her the silver band around her finger.

"That is how." I said as she starred at it with a small smile.

Soon after, the boys showed up and they sat at the table. Luke sat next to me.

As we sat and ordered food, I saw Marisa and Calum whisper things and giggle. I knew they'd be together forever.

"Aud?" Luke nudged me as I looked down and saw a purple box in his hand.

"What is that?" I asked as I looked at it.

"Aren't you going to do it a little more formally?" I asked.

"Do you want it or not?" he asked me.

"Of course I fucking want it!" I said a little loudly.

He smiled as he handed it to me. Opening it, I saw a small necklace with a small yellow, diamond note on it. Looking closer, I saw it was a remake of the note Luke game me the first time we ever met.

As I felt tears rush down my face, he smiled and put the small necklace around my neck. He kissed my cheek before he sat down again and smiled.

After we ate dinner and talked, Ashton and Luke grabbed my hands while Calum and Mikey pulled Marisa's hands. They pulled us towards the middle of the air port.

"What are you doing?" Marisa hissed at them but they just smiled as I saw there instruments laying out.

"What the fuck is happening?" I asked as they told us to stay and they approached their instruments.

'For a while we pretended,

That we never had to end it

But we knew we'd have to say goodbye.

You were crying at the airport.

When they finally closed the plane doors.

I could barely hold it all inside.

Torn in two,

And I know I shouldn't tell you,

But I just can't stop thinking of you

Wherever you are.


Wherever you are.

Every night I almost call you,

Just to say it will always be you,

Wherever you are.

I could fly a thousand oceans,

But there's nothing that compares to,

What we had, and so I walk alone.

I wish I didn't have to be gone,

Maybe you've already moved on,

But the truth is I don't want to know. '

When they finished singing, a crowd had formed and started cheering the boys. It made me sad.

This is there life. They will always perform in front of audiences and travel the world. There all so ready to travel, but Marisa and I are holding them back. We need to let them go. Marisa has, now it's my turn.

"Luke," I cried as he walked over.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked as he held my face in his hands.

"Your a star, we need to let go." I sobbed as I removed his hands from my face.

"Don't you even dare Audrey," he said as tears ran down his face.

"Please Luke." I said as I tried to move away but he stopped me.

"Audrey, I swear I will follow you to Ole Miss if you don't stop being crazy." He said sternly.

"No you wouldn't," I laughed even though nothing was funny.

He pulled out a ticket and showed it to me, written in the fancy ticket lettering 'Mississippi' was written and I looked up at him.

I smacked his chest, "your fucking crazy," I cried as I leaned against his chest.

"Only for you babe, only for you," he smiled as he kissed my head.

"Shut up," I mumbled making him laugh.

"Last call for New Orleans, Louisiana. Last call for New Orleans, Louisiana." A lady on the intercom said as Luke and I separated.

"I guess I've got to go," I mumbled.

"I'll miss you." I said as Luke kissed my forehead.

"As will I, but until than, we'll have phones."

At that point, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man. I wanted to grow old and pop out a couple kids.

"And when you get back, I'm proposing. Than we're going to start our family." He smiled.

Getting on my tippy toes, I grabbed his face and connected our lips. As our lips moved in sync, I heard people aw at it making me blush, but I didn't care.

"I love you," he said as he pulled away.

"I love you too," I smiled as I turned to see Marisa and Calum holding each other before they said goodbye.

Waving at the boys, we started walking down the terminal when we heard Marisa's name called. Turning, I saw Calum run up to Marisa and quickly give her a long kiss before he smiled and ran off.


Sitting in our seats, Marisa and I watched movies and ate. I don't know why people say air plan food is gross, it's great. Anywhore, we listened to our boys and I saw Marisa smiling ear to ear.

"What?" I asked.

She showed me her phone.

There on the screen, was a picture of when Calum ran up to Marisa and kissed her. Even though there eyes were closed, you could tell how much they loved each other.

"He loves you," I said as she smiled even wider.

"I know." She said.

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