Chapter 18.

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Audrey's POV

It's been a week since the incident at Marisa's and we haven't talked since than.

I've been hanging with Luke a lot, and the others and I never realized how I felt about them, until I lost them.

Flash Back

As we all sat on the couches in the hotel room, everyone kept annoying the crap out of me.

"Only two more months till the water melon is out," Calum laughed as Kayla hit him.

"Ooh! Watermelo-"

"Oh shut up Mikey!" I shouted as I stood up.

"Your so damn annoying!" I said, everyone looking shocked.

Marisa stood up next, "C 'mon Audrey, say it. Say what's been on your mind about all of us," I snapped.

"You!" I pointed at Ashton, "are one stupid idiot for going for her after she cheated already! She's going to do it again!"

"You!" this time Kayla, "who the hell gets pregnant at this age and goes back with a douche after he neglected you?!" I shouted.

"You!" Mikey," you are so annoying and every time something comes out of your mouth I want to staple it shut."

Next was her.


"Say it Audrey," she said so calmly while everyone was shocked. "I hate how you take nothing to heart and you don't take shit, but when mommy and daddy don't like what you do, you have to run away."

I felt a stinging pain in my cheek.

I looked at Marisa with wide eyes. She just looked at me with her regular expression, and it scared me.

"Now your alone," she said as everyone got up and left. Everyone except Luke.


It's been a week since that day, and when she said I was alone, she was right.

No one had come back to the hotel room. No one called or texted Luke or me. We were alone.

"Babe?" He called from the kitchen.

"Hm?" I asked as I sat looking out at the snow.

"Want a sandwich?" he asked as he popped his head in the door. I shook my head.

"Not hungry," I mumbled.

"You sure?" He asked worriedly. I nodded.

Really, I wasn't. I had become so caught up in myself, that I flipped out on all my friends. I had been so stupid that I lost them all, and I don't even know what made me do it.

Christmas was coming up soon, and I was just waiting for one of them to call to say 'Merry Christmas', but it never came.

I remember going to Marisa's and seeing everyone celebrating in her living room. I knocked on the door.

Marisa answered it smiling, but frowned when she saw me standing there.

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"Hi," she said monotone.

"I uh.. brought your gifts," I held out the small box for her to see.

She cautiously took it and thanked me before saying goodbye.

I had lost them, and it was the hardest thing in the world.

But what was harder, was when I heard there conversation. I was torn in two and I didn't know who to choose, my sister or my boyfriend?


Marisa's POV

As I stormed down the lite hallway, I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer, when he did, I barged in and starred at him.

"What is this to you?" I growled at him.

"Nothing," he said as he starred at me.

"What made you want to ruin Audrey's life? Making her leave all her friends?" I shouted at him.

"You call yourself her friend? Ha, I think not. You left her." He sneered in my face.

"I know what this is," I said as it all finally clicked, "you want her to move to Aussie with you! You want her to give up her career for your own!" I shouted at him disgustingly.

"Not give up, but leave it here and start it there," he smiled like he had won.

"You think she's going to choose you, don't you?" I asked, talking normally this time.

"I know she will, because she loves me." He smiled.

"Burn in hell," I sneered at him.

"As long as I take you down too," he said.

With that, I punched him square in the jaw, causing a large bruise to form.

"I swear to god, if you make her choose, you won't have a living person to help you. You will rot in hell and I will personally take you down," I growled as I left and passed a by standard in the hall way.


"How'd it go?" Calum asked as I stormed through the doors.

"I'm killing a bitch!" I shouted making his head pop out from the kitchen.

"Why?" he asked. And that's when they fell.

"She's going to leave!" I sobbed into my hands.

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