Chapter 23.

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Audrey's POV

As Marisa did my hair, I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to cry, because I know Luke wouldn't show up for prom. And that just made my heart break.

"Audrey? You need to smile, he'll show up." Marisa said as she brushed my hair.

"I hope so," I mumbled, knowing he wouldn't show.


An hour before prom, Luke still hadn't shown up, and we all knew he wouldn't show. This made Marisa furious. Marisa left so Kayla finished my hair as I silently cried.


Marisa's POV

"Mikey, give the fucking phone to Luke right this fucking minute." I growled through the phone.

"Hello," Luke asked.

"You better be fucking ready to die if you don't show up. Because if you don't, I will fucking ruin your life buddy. Got it?" I hung up before I walked to my closet and grabbed a dress.


Audrey's POV

"Smile women!" Marisa shouted as she barged in the room with a gold and white dress.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I chocked on my tears.

"I promised you that if you didn't have a date to prom I would take you. So bitch get ready!" She smiled as she changed quickly.

"Thank you," I mumbled as she looked at me smiling.

"Don't thank me yet."

Turning, Kayla finished curling my hair.

Marisa put her hair into a tight bun with diamond flower pins placed in it. She had her eye liner in cat eyes. Her lip rings were in and and her double piercings had her large earrings in it. The dress she wore was tight at the top and was golden, than the skirt poofed and was white. Showing her tattoos.

My dress was navy and lace, like I said earlier. I had large hoops in my ears. I wore white heels. My sister let me borrow large bengals for my wrist. I also had a silver chain going around my neck with a small now on the side.

"We're the shit," I smiled.

"Now have fun girls, don't stay out to late! Stay away from boys!" Kayla shouted in her mom voice.

"Thanks mom!" Marisa shouted as we got in the car and drove to the banquet hall were the dance was being held.

As we got there, and got out of the car, people stopped what they were doing and starred at Marisa and I.

"Stop starring people!" Marisa shouted causing everyone to scurry away.

"Gosh," she sighed before laughing.

"You are in a good mood," I commented.

"I don't know, I just feel happy." she said as we walked into the dimmed room.

The room was almost black. Brightly colored streamers where twirled and taped to the walls. Bright light beamed and blasted throughout the room while magic blasted through speakers.

"Talk about a club," Marisa joked as she nudged me.

"Just please no strippers." I nudged back.

"Kayla wouldn't be happy if they appeared." She said as she walked over to the food table and took a piece of cheese.


As I sat at one of the tables alone, my sight suddenly went black.

"Guess who," he whispered sending chills down my back.

Why is he here?

"Luke!" I said loudly as I turned and saw Luke standing there in a slick black suit.

"Why are you here?" I asked bluntly.

"I may be a dick sometimes, but I wouldn't miss something this important." He put his hand out and I happily took it as he led me out to the dance floor.

Journeys Open Arms was playing as Luke slipped his arms around my waist and my hands wrapped around his neck.

"So.." he smiled cheekily.

"Hi," I blushed lightly.

"You look beautiful, well you always do. But exceptionally beautiful tonight." he blushed.

"Not to shabby yourself," I said.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"For?" I taunted.

"Really?" I gave him a look.

"Okay. I'm sorry for being an asshole at Marisa's. And for possibly ruining there relationship," he sighed as he tried to kiss my forehead but I stopped him.

"No. You have to apologize to Marisa. You ruined something really important for her. So fix it," I said as I lightly pushed him towards Marisa.

He sighed before he hesitantly left and walked over towards Marisa who was busy talking to a couple football players. I watched as he tapped her shoulder, making her turn and look at him.

I observed them as he talked to her, even though I couldn't here what they were saying. Marisa smiled slightly and nodded before she side hugged him.

They just fucking hugged.

Looking over, I saw Calum standing alone leaning against the wall, watching Marisa.

"You doing okay?" I asked him.

"I guess," he sighed as he turned and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him sadly.

"Marisa and I aren't on speaking terms. And we're leaving in less than a month. I don't want to leave on bad terms."

"Than don't. Talk to her and figure out a way to fix it." I said as I pay his shoulder before they called up everyone to announce prom king and queen.

"And your prom king and queen are..." everything went silent as the principle opened the golden letter.

"Lillie Carl's and Jake Pitts!" everyone cheered as I clapped.


As we walked out, Luke's arm around my waist as we told Marisa and Calum that we we're going in my car, so Calum and Marisa were stuck in Calum's car.

"I hate you!" Marisa whisper/shouted at me before following Calum to his car.

"Hopefully they don't kill one another," Luke laughed.

"You mean Marisa kill Calum? Yeah. I bet you a hundred bucks that they have car sex!" I said as I laid down a hundred dollar bill and Luke did the same.

"Bet on!" he laughed as we pulled out and started driving home.

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