Chapter 11.

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Audrey's POV

It's been a month since Marisa hurt her knee. She's still in the hospital, but Calum has been there every day with her. Happily, they finally got together!

We still aren't sure about where Kayla is, but we hope she comes back to fix things with Ashton because he's a wreck.

Mikey and Ashton are closer than ever before and are always by one another. We're not sure what will happen when Kayla comes back but that's for later.

Luke and I are still going strong, and we've even said 'I love you' to one another. We said it when he took me on a date to the river front. It's was so romantic. He may be protective at points, but I'm fine with that.

"Marisa please be careful," I said as I carried her school bag up the flight of stairs.

"Calm your tits women, I'm fine," she said as she reached the top.

"My tits will not be calm until I know your fine," I responded

"Than have Luke fix your problem," she laughed as practically fell over. Bitch.

"I hate you!" I said as she made her way down the hall, everyone moving out of her way.

"Move it people! Cripple coming through!" She shouted all the way down the hall till we got to her locker.

Opening it, she switched out books as I stood there waiting for her, thank god we have all the same classes.

"Well lookie here, poor little volleyball player is hurt," Stacey sneered at Marisa.

"I may have one bad knee, but I have a good one too and crutches that will help pull that fake hair out of your head," Marisa said as she switched her science book out for American History.

"I'm so scared," Stacey taunted.

"Go away bitch," Marisa said calmly.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," Stacey taunted.

Smirking, I saw Marisa pull out a red, hard covered book. She than chucked it at Stacey, hitting her in the face making her scream.

"That hurt!" She shouted.

"Oh I thought you said words can never hurt me," shrugging, Marisa and I walked into American History and waited for the bell to ring.


"Hey babe?" Luke shouted from his hotel room, if you couldn't tell, I have kind of moved in on weekends.

"Yeah?" I shouted as I ate part of my Cosmic Brownie.

"Where's my super suit?" He asked as he held back a laugh.

"Your such a dork!" I laughed.

"I know," coming out of his room, he sat down next to me on the couch.

Putting his arm around me, Luke pulled me on to his lap and held me against his broad chest. I still want to see his abdomen, really badly.

"I love you," he whispered as he kissed me forehead.

"I love you too," I said as I pecked his lips making him smile.


"Gabe! Move you fat ass!" I shouted as I pushed against Gabe's butt.

"Pull Marisa!" I shouted.

"I am pulling!" She cried as Luke and Calum laughed at us, while Ashton filmed us struggling to move that 238 pound dog.

"That is it!" Marisa said as she pulled out a squeaky toy, this may get bad.

She squeezed it getting the dogs ears to perk up. He starred at the toy.

"You want it?" She said as I walked into the office, ready to catch the toy.

"Go!" Throwing it, I caught it and watched as the large mastiff ran full speed towards me.

Screaming, I hopped onto the desk. Holding the toy away from him, he tried jumping to reach it.

"At ease!" Marisa said sternly, making the dog sit instantly.

Slipping on his leash, she walked him to the nurse who took him in for observation. We all sat and waited.

"That is a large dog," Calum said as he pulled Marisa onto his lap.

"So? I love him," I said as I remember when Gabe was only a puppy.

"I don't get how you can live with that big dog," Calum said.

"Hey, remember, your egos almost as big as that dog," Marisa said as she poked his nose.

"Whatever," he laughed.

"Can we get food after this?" Mikey asked as he sat by a cat on the floor.

"Sure, can we get Taco Bell though?" Luke asked.

We all nodded in agreement.


"Luke! Stop it," I said as I smacked Luke's hand.

"What? It's one bite!" He defended.

"Stop eating my chips!" I said as I pulled them away from him.

"Your rude," he said jokingly.

"And your eating my food," I stated as I ate one.

"La la la la la la tree!" Marisa sang quietly. We all laughed at her.

"Hey! Do not judge the unjudgeable!" She laughed as she ate one of her salsa chips that she was sharing with Calum.

"Hey Luke," Mikey asked, "did it hurt when you got your lip pierced?"

He shook his head, "no, why?"

"I've been wanting to get my eyebrow pierced," he said.

"I want my lip pierced, and a tattoo," Marisa said looking at her phone.

"Same!" I said.

"We should do that sometime, that'd be a fun bonding experience," Calum said as he ate another chip.

"Maybe next week?" Luke asked.

We all agreed.

Next week, we're all getting pierced or tatted. One way or another, we're all going to be in pain.

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