Chapter 5.

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Audrey's POV

As we walked up the dim lit path to my front door, I turned towards Luke and looked up into his bright, happy eyes.

"Thank you," I smiled up at him, since I was like a whole foot shorter than him.

"No. Thank you," he said cheekily.

"So um, I'm just going to go in," I motioned to the door.

Grabbing the door knob, I turned it ready to open and go into the heated house. But then I felt his rough hand on my shoulder. Turning, I looked up, ready to speak but instead, I felt his soft, but rough lips on mine. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck while he placed his hands on my waist.

"Will you two stop?!" A shrill voice shouted.

Startled, we jumped apart and turned towards the source of the voice. Looking at the door, Marisa stood there with Ashton, Mikey and Calum behind her. Why are they here... at my house? Why are they in my house?!

"Why are you guys here?" Luke asked them, shocked.

"Waiting for you two to get home," Ashton sassed with a little hand movement.

"Don't get sassy with me," I said, starring at him with my eyebrow cocked.

"I'll do whatever I please," he fired back.

"Ashton stop fighting with my girlfriend," Luke said with an annoyed tone, then his eyes went wide after he registered what he had said. Marisa's jaw was on the ground while the others where smiling and clapping.

"My babies growing up!" Marisa screamed as she pushed Calum out of the way, causing him to fall into a small bush. Before I can comprehend what's happening, Marisa jumped on me as she hugged me tightly and squealed loudly.

"Marisa, get off me," I grumbled as I pried her off me. Once off, she smiled at me before giving Luke a stern look. She glared at him, like she was piercing his soul. Her expression stayed the same, a hard, stern glare.

"If you hurt her in anyway, I will end you, Hemmings, got it?" She said lowly. His eyes were wide as he nodded his head. With that response, she smiled and patted his cheek lightly before going back next to Ashton and Mikey.

"Oh, don't get her pregnant either," Mikey said.

"Yeah! That's Ashton's job, to get Kayla pregnant first, then you guys can go crazy!" Calum said as he finally got out of the bush, but Marisa (being who she is) pushed him against his forehead, causing Cal to fall back into the bush.

Kissing one last time, Luke and I said goodbye before I walked into the house. Closing and locking the door, Marisa looked at me with an expecting look. Putting my hair in a pony tail, I sat on the couch and waited for her to sit across from me.

"So.. tell me everything," she said, getting straight to the point.

"Well...," I went into detail about the car ride and how I fell against his chest, which made her laugh so hard. Then I went on about how he took my menu and refused to let me know what pizza we were getting. Again, she cooed saying it was cute, making me giggle. As I got to the part about when we made out in the car, she got really silent as she focused on every word that left my lips. When I finished my story, I waited for what she had to say.

"I'm fucking jealous of your relationship," she said as she leaned against the back of the couch and looked at the ceiling.

"Why?" Even though I probably knew the answer. Bennett.

"Every relationship I've ever had, it's been shit. But you and Luke are like soul mates," she groaned sadly before getting up and going into her room. Sighing, I got up and went into my room knowing not to mess with her when she's upset. Quickly, I took off my make-up and changed into fluffy pajamas. Jumping into bed, I pulled up my blue and white polka dotted duvet before I let sleep consume me.

Unknowns POV

"I'm fucking jealous of your relationship," I heard her say from the living room.

"Why?" Audrey asked, but seemed like she may have known something about the subject.

"Every relationship I've ever had, it's been shit. But you and Luke are like soul mates," I heard her groan, then the sound of walking was heard, then two doors closing.

Sighing, I looked down at the red and white faded roses that where in my hand. All hope left me. Every word I planned on saying, every motion. All of it was just gone. Gone like the wind. It was over, I didn't have another chance to show her how I felt. Never would I be able to tell her how I feel.

Choking back the tears, I dropped the roses and wiped away my tears. Sniffling, I looked at the card I had written as nicely as I possibly could. As my nose and tears ran down my face, I slipped my hands in my pockets and slowly made my way back to my green Corvette. As I stood in front of it, I couldn't help but think of all the times we sat and laughed at each other and others. Just every moment.

"I'm so sorry baby," I sobbed, "baby please forgive me," I cried out as I punched the side of my car, leaving a large dent. Sighing, I let the tears fall freely as I got in the drivers seat and pulled out of the drive way. Pulling out, I started driving down the road and saw a guy with blue hair walking down the road on the side walk. He looked so happy while he talked on his phone.

"Your lucky kid," I mumbled as I kept driving. He doesn't know how envious I am of his happiness.

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