Chapter 19.

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Audrey's POV

I looked behind me, ready to yell at Marisa to stop, but I could hear her silently huffing in anger.

Never mind.

Sighing, I walked into Luke's hotel room, and saw two suitcases and I heard people talking.

"I know your going to make her choose any day now Luke, and when that's happens, I don't want to be here," Mikey said to Luke.

"Why? Nothing bad is going to happen!" Luke shouted at his red haired friend.

"She's going to choose you, that's the bad thing," he said sadly.

"And whys that bad?" Luke asked.

"Because she'll be giving up everything she worked for. Plus, she'll be leaving Marisa, none of us want to see that," Mikey said as he walked out and grabbed his suit cases.

As he passed me without looking at me, I tried stopping him to tell him I wasn't giving anything up, but he shook my hand away before he left.

What's happening?

I walked into the room to see Luke sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. He was sighing repeatedly.

"Luke?" I asked quietly.

"Hm?" he hummed looking at me.

"Where'd Mikey go?" I asked.

"Somewhere else," he said monotone.

"Why?" I hopped he wouldn't lie to me.

"He wants to live on his own like the others," he lied. I nodded.

"Okay," I said as I sat next to him

"Are you okay with him leaving?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around him. He nodded.

"As long as I have you babe," he smiled as he kissed.

Instead one of our usual pecks, his lips stayed on mine. His hands touched my cheeks and held me against his soft plump lips.

I moved, and straddled his waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips against mine. His hands slid up my shirt and stopped at my bra.

Nodding, he snapped off my bra and I felt his hands cup my breast. Moaning, I ground my lower region against his newly stiff member. I heard him moan.

"Audrey," he growled huskily.

"Take me Luke," I moaned against him.

Picking me up by my butt, he carried me to his room. As we approached the bed, he threw me roughly on the bed making me squeal.

Stripping off his shirt, showing his perfect 6 pack, Luke crawled on top of my and slid off my shirt, exposing my chest.

Connecting our lips again, I moaned as he needled my breast. His hands slide up and down my waist and came to my shorts line. His fingers inter looped with them and he tugged them down.

His hands slid over the lining of my underwear before he, literally, ripped them off my body leaving me bare.

Looking over me, he licked his lips before he took of his jeans and boxers before he positioned himself over me.

"This may hurt baby," he whispered as he nibbled my ear. I heard him rip something open and knew he was putting on a condom.

"Just get in me!" I whispered/shouted.

Next thing I know, a sharp pain fills me as he enters me. As my back arched from the pain, Luke kissed my neck and collarbone as he slowly rocked back and fourth.

As the pain started easing, easier pleasure filled me as he started going faster and rougher, making my scream in pleasure.

"Luke!" I scream as I felt myself climax over him.

He soon came and he pulled out before tying off the condom and throwing it in the trash can.

He came back to bed and laid next to me as he pulled me against his hard chest. I felt his lips leave warm kisses on the back of my neck as I fell asleep.


Michael POV

As I walked down the hallway, I knew Audrey had heard us and I knew Luke wasn't going to tell her the truth.

I still don't know what made him change. Maybe the urge to have Audrey with him all the time or the fame? I don't know. But none of us like it, and we even considered ending the band.

Maybe that was a last resort, but it still was said and everyone thought hard about it.

Marisa seemed to take the change the hardest, not the Luke change. But the Audrey change.

Audrey had changed too.

She used to be so happy and up beat, but now she's always angry or sad. Marisa doesn't even like saying her name.

As I drove down to a small motel, I pulled into a parking spot. Getting out, I walked into the lobby, but didn't see the small blonde and bumped into her, causing her to fall.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I said as I started picking up her papers as I helped her up.

"Uh..." she said as I handed them to her.

"What?" I asked bluntly.

"Why are you helping me?" she asked shyly.

"Because I bumped into you causing you to drop all your stuff," I said confused.

"Oh well, thank you," she nodded before she headed towards a green corvette.

"Hey! Wait!" I shouted as I ran towards her, making her turn around.

"Yes?" she asked innocently.

"I was..uh.. wondering if you'd go to dinner with me tomorrow? To apologize," I asked her.

"Um.... sure," she handed me her number before getting in her car and driving off.

"Wow," I smiled in awe.


Ashton's POV

Kayla and I sat on the couch as I held her in my arms as we watched the football game (soccer).

"Hey babe?" I asked her.

I was ready for this to last forever.

"Yes?" she asked as she looked up at me.

"I want to show you something," standing, I grabbed her hands and pulled her up before leading her outside to the small garden.

Purple, white, and yellow flowers scattered across the small field of green.

"Ashton?" She asked confused.

"Sh, just let me speak," I said as I got down on one knee and pulled out the small velvet box.

"Kayla Alyson Saller, I have loved you with all my heart for the past 5 years. Hell, your holding my child in your stomach," I smiled lightly, "I want you to be mine for eternity. Will you, do me the honors, and became Mrs. Kayla Irwin?"

She covered her mouth with tears running down her cheeks. She nodded, unable to say anything.

Smiling, I pulled her hand from her mouth and slide the silver ring around her finger. It wasn't a huge expensive stone, but it was a large stone with smaller ones surrounding it.

"I love you," I said as I stood up and pulled her lips to mine.

"I love you too," she said as she wiped under her eyes.

"You and Elliot," I smiled as I held her face in my hands and kissed her passionately. Making her smile against my lips.

"Your not aloud to leave me now," I smiled as she rolled her eyes but connected our lips.

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