Part 12

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I'm standing close to the door out to the parking lot looking at Yoongi waiting. He has the lighter in his hand like the first time we spoke when he came back. He opens and closes it. I don't know if I should go out or not. I told him to let me be, why can't he just do that then?

I sigh out loud and I don't realize how loud I am before someone walks my way.

"Hey Dee are you okay?" Plover asks and I jump out of shock when I hear her.

"Yeah I'm good, totally. Don't worry about it" I say and try and fake a smile. If she only knew how much this boy was fucking up my mind lately.

"Well you disappeared at my party pretty early last Friday" She says and I try to go through a few excuses in my head.

"Yeah I got really drunk pretty quick" I say and I look outside at Yoongi again. He's still holding that goddamn lighter.

"I see. Oh well, maybe you should go outside to meet with him. It looks like you both need it" She says and I realize she's also looking out at him.

"I'm scared what's gonna happen if I do" I say and stop hiding my shitty problems.

"I can go with you if you want" She says.

"No no, there's no need. I just don't know if I want to talk to him" I say and she sends me a worried look.

"I used to know Yoongi pretty well before he left, and I know he was shitty towards you, but he's not like that anymore. So whatever it is that he has to say. I think you should go hear him out" She says while putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I guess you are right about that" I say and she gives me a smile.

"If he does anything or says anything that upsets you, I will personally take care of him for you" She says with a confident smirk and I get a little worried until she starts laughing.

"Thank you" I say.

"Always. Just text me at anytime okay?" She says and hug me.

"I will" I say. She whispers good luck before she waves at me and leaves me alone with only the door separating myself from Yoongi. Why does he make me so scared?

As I walk outside I try to not look at the lighter. It distracts me. I want to look confident as I walk close to him, but I'm not very sure that I'm doing a great job.

"You wanted to talk" I say. He looks at me with a look that I can't recognise. 

"I can't make the song with you guys" He says and I give him a weird look.

"Okay?" I say with a small laugh. He basically already did make the song.

"I can't see you" He says and another laugh leaves my lips.

"No one told you to" I say and he shakes his head.

"You don't get it. I can't see you when you are around Jimin" He says. This time I want to laugh even louder, but I don't.

"Are you jealous or something?" I ask.

"That's not the point. The point is that it's getting on my nerve that he holds your hand like that, and the fact that you kiss him right in front of me? Do you have no respect towards me at all?" He says looking defeated. What is this boy even on about? He has really no right to tell me what to do with my boyfriend and what not to do.

"Jimin is my boyfriend, so if I want to kiss him, I will. You don't get any say in that" I say.

"Are you stupid or something? You kissed me and you knew god damn well what you were doing! So if you have any respect left in your body, maybe you should tell him the truth!" He says almost yelling. He really thinks that he decides anything in this situation.

"You want me to tell Jimin, my boyfriend, that I, his girlfriend, cheated on him with you, my enemy?" I ask as if it's a big joke. Soon I realize that he doesn't think it's funny and I stop my laughing smirk. He stares at me with angry eyes. Why do I find this so funny? Before I even get to answer my own question Yoongi smashes his lips to mine in a desperate kiss. He holds my head so that I can't move away from him. He bites my lip and I quickly open my mouth up to his tongue. I can't resist his desperate and intense kiss. He moves quick and I try to follow along with him but I start getting out of breath. I cut the kiss and I look at him slowly opening his eyes while our short breaths goes in sync.

"Please don't do that again" I say when I have gotten my breath back.

"You don't seem to mind it when you just let go" He says with a smirk that I haven't seen before.

"Please don't ever do that again" I say and turn around to leave. In my head my thoughts are one big mess and I want to ignore every good thought about Yoongi. He's nothing but trouble and I need to get out of this situation as quick as possible. I'm about to walk away when I realize what he said about the song and even though I hate him right now, with every part of my body, we need him to make the best song possible.

"Show up to music next Tuesday. You don't have a choice" I say and start walking away.

"And if I don't?" He yells at me.

"I'll make sure you can never come back to Winterville high"

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