Part 23

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This morning, my mom told me she would drive me to school. It's a little nice knowing I don't have to tell Jimin about Yoongi, in the car. It would be a weird situation, but I still know I have to tell him sometime soon.

There's not much said in the car, but I enjoy the quietness as long as it lasts. My mom insists on kissing my forehead before I leave the car, and I leave her car with a small stain on my forehead from her lipstick. She really had to do that?

I quickly find my way to the bathroom to wash off her lipstick, but when I come in I see Plover standing at one of the sinks. I don't think she sees me until I stand beside her and look into the mirror at her. She jumps up a little when she realizes another human is standing by her side.

"Oh hey Dee, I didn't see you there!" She says and I laugh a little. She's always on point and never misses anything, so it's a little funny seeing her confused.

"Hey Plover, how are you doing? Did you not sleep last night?" I ask and she sighs and stops faking her smile.

"No I didn't! I have been up all night" She says finally opening up about one of her struggles. Plover is usually not one to talk about her problems, but she always wants to listen to yours. So the fact that she is talking to me about a night with no sleep, is a huge deal to me. I will now only be listening to her, none of my problems are to be named.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. She looks at me with her tired eyes but quickly looks down.

"No, it's stupid anyways" She says and I rush my hand to her shoulder.

"I'm sure it's not stupid, and if it is, I'm still here to listen" I say trying to comfort her.

"What about we go for a walk at lunch break? Just to clear our heads and then you can tell me about your stupid night" I say. I try giving her a small smile so that she can feel my kindness even more. I really am kind today. It's so exciting helping someone else than just deal with my own shitty problems. Kinda like a distraction if you can say that. But I'm still gonna talk to Jimin! I will just have more time to figure out how, if I postpone it a little.

"That sounds really nice actually" She says and I nod because I really am that nice. Am I being too much right now? No! I'm being a good friend.

"Great! Let's meet in the parking lot then" I say and she has a little smile on her face. That's nice to see.

"Yeah, let's do that. Now get to class, I don't want you to get into trouble" She says and I laugh before yelling goodbye and run out the door.


As soon as I've heard the bell ring out for lunch, I run out to the parking lot. I'm so ready to think about everything else than my own problem! Jimin was in my last class and he was sitting in front of me. The whole time I just wanted to take him to the side and just tell him everything to let the misery of my thoughts disappear, but I knew I couldn't and I knew I wouldn't.

I see Plover standing outside behind one of the cars hiding and I laugh at the sight. She doesn't have anything to worry about now that I'm here.

"Hey come out of your hiding spot and let's go" I say and she looks up.

"But if the teachers see us we'll get into-" She starts, but I cut her off.

"Don't worry, we won't get into trouble"  I say and she slowly appears more and more.

"Okay... Let's just go quickly" She says. I nod and start walking away from the cars. Plover is wandering behind me, still looking out for any teachers.

"Hey come up beside me, I'm getting lonely" I say and laugh. Plover is not in a jokey mood, but she does run up to me. Now my inner therapist can show up.

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