Part 24

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The way home from school, I was thinking a lot about Plover and Hoseok. I want it to happen so bad! Like, imagine the collaboration in dance! They would own the fucking stage with their moves. Those two are also just the kindest souls you can meet. I at some point consider to text Plover to ask how it's going, but I don't want her to think that I'm too much. Jimin takes me out of my thoughts as I hear snapping in front of my face.

"Hey you!" He almost yells at me when I start blinking as the sudden disturb in my thoughts. I actually kinda had forgotten he was sitting next to me, but I guess that would be weird considering that he's the one driving.

"Focus on your driving, I just passed out in my own head a little" I say and try to relax in my seat again. He really shook some bones inside me.

"What has gotten into you lately, with all these suddenly spacing out episodes?" He asks sounding a little concerned. His worried eyes are on the road, but I can still see them wanting to help me out.

"I don't know... I've just been distant the past few days. I guess I've been a little stressed out and that has made my thoughts cluttered" I answer him as good as I can. I do see his point, I've been out of it for the past days.

"But what are you stressed about Dee? If it's school, let me help you! I don't want to lose you to your head all the time, it's kinda scary" He says and his eyes that before said "I want to fix you" have gone to a more sad look, looking glossy. His eyes are so god damn beautiful, I could look into them all day long. Not the time Diana, not the time!

"You find me scary? I thought I was only cute" I say teasing him a little to lighten the mood.

"Oh, you are beyond scary! Sometimes I have nightmares about you" He says playing along with my stupid comment.
"What! That's not true!" I yell out. He just laughs at my reaction but quickly tries to be serious again.

"You ignored my question by the way. Why are you stressing so much lately?" He says switching the mood. I guess it's a good question because I can't answer it properly myself. Is it because I have a math test Friday, or is it because I've been wanting to hang out with as many people as I can because I've got to know a lot of great people lately? Or could it be the fact that I know that I have to tell Jimin about Yoongi, but I don't know how or when or where and I might lose him after? There's one thing I know and that is that I can't tell Jimin the last one, at least not yet.

"There's a lot of different things, which could be the biggest source of my stress, but I mostly just think school is a lot to handle together with the social. I really want to do well in all my classes, and on Friday I have a test in math which is not my ideal thing, but I also want to hang out with the guys and Bella and you and now also Nana, Plover, Anna Mallen, Andrea, and Wilma. And of course you, I want to spend a lot of time with you" I say and I try to make eye contact with him, but it's hard while he's driving. I'm not lying to him, I feel stressed about all that, there's just even more that could be said. And I will! Soon.

"I see... That does sound stressing. I wish I could help you with math, but we both know I can't help you much there either. Maybe you should kill two birds with one stone and some of your friends to help you out? Then you get to hang out with your friends and also prepare yourself for the test" He suggests and I actually love that idea.

"That sounds like a good idea!" I burst out and he smiles when he sees my face turn happy.

"And don't worry about me okay? We'll always have time to each other, so if you want to hang out with the others too then do that, just invite me along some times" He says with a small grin and I can't help but admire his small dimples that appear on his face when he smiles.

"I will make sure to do that" I say.

"Can we switch topic now?" I ask when I see the opportunity. I want this huge lump in my throat to go away together with the thoughts of telling Jimin about my stupid behavior with Yoongi.

"Yeah, what do you have in mind?" He asks turning the car down our street.

"Well, I wanted to ask you if Hoseok ever talked about Plover with you?" I ask. I know this is a whole other thing than before, but I really want to know if Hoseok might feel the same about Plover as she does.

"Yeah a bit, mostly in our dance practices" He answers and I try to calm myself down, but that made me way too happy to hear.

"What did he say? I want to know everything!" I say almost too quick for him to understand, but he has gotten used to me talking fast when I get excited, so he quickly gets what I'm saying.

"Well, he has said that she's an amazing dancer and that she's really passionate about it and he thinks that's really cool and he hopes that people see that in his dance too" he says.

"Anything else? Like beside her being a great dancer?" I ask and try again to scoop out the dirt from my not so gossipy boyfriend.
"Let me think... Well before leaving me behind at home being sick, he said that he needed to go to Plovers party because he didn't want to lose the chance at a talk with Plover. I asked him what he was on about and he said something along the line of she's the kindest person you can talk to and I don't get enough chances to talk to her that wouldn't be awkward circumstances, so I'm going to the party" he says and I go quiet for a bit, that's a good thing right?

"And then he left me alone, I was quite upset with him actually. He wanted to talk with her over me!" He adds and I laugh at his comment.

"So if you would say it with simple words, Hoseok maybe likes Plover?" I ask and cross my fingers in hope that he'll say yes. But Jimin stops the car and I see that we're parked in front of his house.

"I don't know the answer to that, and it's not my business either, but he definitely thinks she's a nice and talented person" He says as he unlocks his seatbelt and takes out his key.

"Why does it matter anyway? Do you like Hoseok? Wait no, are you into girls? Is that why you are dating me? I'm the most feminine boy you know?!" He says getting offended and I can't help but laugh. Sometimes I think Jimin is the one with the weirdest thoughts out of the two of us.

"I'm not into girls you idiot and I'm not into Hoseok either. But there might be a small chance that I talked to Plover about him and that she likes him, but you can't tell anyone I said that" I say and he laughs, but I don't see what's funny.

"Don't laugh, Hoseok is a likable guy, there's no reason Plover shouldn't fall for him" I say and try to defend Plover.

"I'm not laughing at that, I'm laughing at you. You're really cute when you tell secrets" He says and places his hand on my cheek. His small fingers find their way to my hair and he tugs some of it behind my ear.

"I wish I could take you inside, but you should study so I'm kicking you out of my car now" He says while his fingers move down my cheek and find my chin. He lifts my chin slightly to get easier access to my lips. He slowly moves his own head closer to mind and soon our lips touch each other in a short and delicate kiss. I love how he always treats me so soft like I'm going to be protected always. As he moves away from my face, I keep my eyes closed a little longer, with the chance that he might come closer again.

"I love you" He says and I open my eyes in shock. Not that I'm shocked at his words, but I didn't expect them at this time.

"I love you" I say confirming. He gives me a small smile and then he opens the door to get out. I do the same, and start walking away from Jimin's car and his house.

"Pick me up tomorrow?" I ask while walking out into the street.

"Of course" He says and walks up to his door. I am reaching my house beside his just then and I walk up to the door before saying goodbye. Jimin says bye as well but doesn't open the door before he sees that I'm inside. He is always there to secure me and make me feel safe.

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