Part 17

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"Let's start a game" Plover says after we've used hours on making the perfect blanket and pillow mansion. We are all ready to get on with the games and get deep. Plover has invited 6 girls this time, which is more than usual, but it's still just as fun. I haven't thought about it before now, but Plover chose to hang out with 3 different girlfriend pairs. There's me and Bella, and there's Anna Mallen and Nana, and then there's Andrea and Wilma. But Plover doesn't seem to care one bit. Like I've mentioned before, she's the nicest person to ever walk on this planet, so she's automatically a part of every friend group at the school. She talks to everyone, and keep herself busy that way.

"What do you have in mind?" Andrea asks who's clearly scared for the new game exposing us all.

"Well I realized something yesterday, and that was that we never played truth or truth any of the other times we have been having this sleepover, so I thought; that needs to change now! So who wants to go first?" Plover asks and Anna Mallen shoots her hand in the air.

"I want to ask first" Anna says and we all sit ready for her to point out her target.

"Bella, truth or truth" Anna asks and all eyes land on my cold-hearted but loving best friend.

"It's a hard choice but I think I'll go with truth" She says and Anna immediately smirk with the thought of all the questions she could ask.

"We all know you are Bi, so let us know, who out of us, would you most likely kiss?" Anna asks and I can't help but laugh big time. Bella has a type when it comes to girls, and everyone in this room is far from that.

"Honestly, Diana is just an easy target for a lazy night, so I would go with her" Bella answers and I hit out after her.

"I can't believe you said that! I have a boyfriend!" I whine and smash a pillow into her face.

"But it's the truth Dee!" She says and the other girls laugh at my reaction.

"I hate you" I say and take back my pillow I threw at her face a second ago.

"Glad to hear that, but now it's my turn to ask" Bella says getting excited.

"Iva Plover, truth or truth?" Bella asks and we all look at her with big eyes.

"Truth" She says without hesitation.

"Okay... Ah, I got it! I've never heard or seen you kiss a boy from our school, what's up with that? Don't you fancy any of the guys?" Bella asks Plover.

"Well... It's not like I don't fancy any of them, I just never get around to kissing any of them. I feel like I keep getting dragged away from every conversation I have at my parties. But it's fun! I mean I love always talking to as many people as possible" Plover says and I nod in agreement, this answer sounds like something Plover would say.

"My turn!!" Plover says without letting any of us comment on her answer.

"Nana, truth or truth?" Plover says with a smile on her lips. Not like one of the smirks, both Anna and Bella had, no just a simple and friendly smile.

"Truth" Nana says.

"Do you perhaps, still like Namjoon?" Plover says. That's honestly a great question! Nana and Namjoon dated a while back, it ended on good terms, but they both had all these different excuses why it didn't work out, but it just sounds so dumb to be honest, like it's not the real reason.

"I think Namjoon is amazing, kind, loving, smart, generous and everything good in this world. Do I think I made the wrong choice of not staying with him? No. We shouldn't be together, it wasn't meant to be. I see that now, and also back then. So no, I don't like him in that way you want me to. But I love the person he is, and I want him to find someone he can be happy with for the rest of his life" Nana answers and my mouth drop open.

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