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Every classic fantasy story begins with the phrase, "Once upon a time".

So, here I go.


Once upon a time, Hogwarts concealed a dark secret – one they prayed would never come to light. However, Grindelwald's defeat sparked many rumors about That-Which-Hogwarts-Kept-Secret, and shadows of darkness engaged on a mission to obtain it. The school would have fallen into the hands of evil if fate had not rewritten itself to provide the first line of defense.

And who better to preserve the stability of the magic world than nine children from severely different – and somewhat worrisome – backgrounds?

From the moment the Sorting Hat prophesied the approaching conflict, their fates were set in stone – they would go on to become the heroes the world never knew it needed. They would push past barriers to unite and protect those they love from demise.

But their sacrifices were buried along with their accomplishments to prevent the spread of the horrifying truth that light can never exist without dark. And darkness has a knack for disrupting the weak foundation upon which light stands – in our case, this secret.

And what is this secret, you may ask?

Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you that. It is a secret for a reason, after all, and it's kept strictly between Yoongi Min and Albus Dumbledore.

...I shouldn't have told you that.

The Ravenclaw Nine

To their presence, we have been blind

Agony and pain, with little to gain

They are the devil's bane

All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction using the identities of BTS, who are managed by BigHit Entertainment, and the characters and world created by J.K. Rowling. I do not own them or their actions in any way. This story is solely for entertainment purposes and should not be held representative of BTS' or Harry Potter characters' personalities in the real world. Any resemblance to real-world persons, places, or events is purely coincidental.

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